@MrewHaHa Hey! How are you doing?

And you too!
on March 31, 2023

@MrewHaHa *hugs!* Love ya too/p You also stay safe, don't worry bout me, take care of yourself!
on March 31, 2023

*huggies* love you/p stay safe
on March 31, 2023

@MrewHaHa I'm glad you can find people you can rely on (I'm glad that pun is not intended-)
on March 31, 2023

I’m hanging in there- (pun not intended if you get it) really found some great people including you
on March 31, 2023
on March 31, 2023

on March 31, 2023

Quick question to everyone, do yall like my stories, should I continue with them? Or should I make new ones because I have some undertale au stories I want to write, but they dip into very dark topics...
on March 27, 2023

@MrewHaHa Hey!

@MrewHaHa Im doing okay, I've got spring break next week so- I hope you're doing okay as well!
on March 27, 2023
on March 27, 2023

Jaybird24 added a photo to the starred list
I want my oc to be like this but- I will have to wait until next year :,)

on March 21, 2023

@MrewHaHa doing okay, you?
on February 17, 2023