Jason_the_hedgehog's Starred Polls - Page 19
Jason_the_hedgehog has 385 starred polls

Favourite Sonic Char x OC ship?

Would you rather (Sonic edition)

Should Jackie join Team Sonic?

Whose Better Sonic Or Tails

Witch one of these memes is the best

What TV show is better?
Would you save a puppy or a child from a burning building?
Do you believe that deleting the"Things you Can't Stand"page was a good idea?

KSI or Netnobody?

Which creepypasta character is the best? (1)
Who's scarier Googleiplier or Darkiplier

Which black ops ll map is your favorite ?

What represent (genocide) sans most?

What do you like to do the most on Qfeast?

Which electric rodent pokemon do you like more?

what game is better

Who's the best cool dude?

Would you rather go to London or Paris?

Whose Better Camille Or Amy Rose