So I'm back

@Firey_the_human hopefully you will feel better by tomorrow
on August 29, 2018

Yep its not @FireSpark56 I wanna feel better by tomorrow
on August 29, 2018

@Firey_the_human that's not good at all
on August 29, 2018

Not so good I'm sick and I still had to go to school @FireSpark56
on August 29, 2018

@Firey_the_human how are you today?
on August 29, 2018
on August 29, 2018

I have proof qfeast hates me so you go on qfeaster of the day when you do a lot of stuffs like posting and that's what I have been doing but guess who's going on other people and my friends I have been mean to qfeast and a lot of people have been saying that I'm mean in their opinion so qfeast thinks there right not only that but I done about a lot of stuff but guess who got followed by the qfeast team my friend derp they only like derp and hate every person that likes sonic See More no matter how much they like it name one of your sonic stuff that went to profile and that's why I'm hated every through I try my best to be nice

there's a couple of my that went profile like one of my quizzes Which one of Sonic OC's are you (1)? went profile, then there's some of my polls- Who's better: Amy or cream?, Who's your favourite Sonic female character? and Who's better: Tails, knuckles, amy or Sonic. they all went profile
on August 28, 2018

qfeast has a HUGE bias against mlp, sonic, and such because it's seen as childish, ig?
I find it annoying too, a ton of users do
I find it annoying too, a ton of users do
on August 28, 2018
on August 28, 2018

Now I want pizza like all the time kinda wish I can zap food into my hand
on August 26, 2018

One day I was just playing some fortnite I was live streaming there wasn't so many just 5 watching my stream I wanted to haunted hills 100 times it was my 35 game landing at haunted I have already 3 wins so I thought this isn't bad when I saw a raven and ravage they just stand there so I killed them and grabbed the loot keep in mind that I heard a rumor that if you land there 100 times one of those games you'll run into the 2 raven skins and they'll haunt you forever until you See More get a victory Royale I thought that's stupid I kept on until I took fall damage and I was at 100 shield and 1 health left that means if I fall one more time I'll die and from out of nowhere I get shot I have 2 hp each even I felt the shot I saw a horde of the 2 raven skins shooting at me I started to build a launch pad and then I left my power when off was stream was still on its just my ps4 was off my smoke detector when off because I looked down from the living room I grabbed my dog and broke the window and I grab my phone I called 911 I was scared I also grabbed my ps4 and camera I grabbed a lot of things after the police and firemen came I told them a raven skin set my house on fire they thought I was crazy they put me at a metal hospital I will update you guys
on August 26, 2018

When I go to school I get either pizza crunchers or cheese pizza I'm not a fan of meat since I don't eat meat

Yeah, I usually don't like sausage or stuff like that on pizza, but I do love pepperoni pizza!
on August 26, 2018
on August 26, 2018

on August 26, 2018

Who's on?
on August 26, 2018

I miss Julianna and starlight me of Julianna and me and starlight have not been talking
on August 25, 2018