Hi! :D I love your profile picture, whenever I raise my hand in school i feel like that! ;D
on January 20, 2014

JKRowling added a new chapter to One Direction Fan Fiction

Chapter 32: last words
I woke up next to him, my love. He looked at me and smiled and said "Good morning. How do you feel?" Now that he asked me I did feel funny. My arms hurt and I don't think I can move anything. I guess I was confused because Scott snickered. He got up and left, but I had a horrible feeling that he was coming back. I thought long and hard about what had happened the other day; I got my arm cast off, Scott came to pick me up, and One Direction left. Something was funny about that but I couldn't p...
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on January 07, 2014

JKRowling added a new chapter to One Direction Fan Fiction

Chapter 31: good-bye and hello
I don't know if they expected me to sleep that night but I didn't. There was only one of the guys that I wanted to love me, yes I did care for all of them but that was more friendly or brotherly. I will let you in on a secret, that one guy that I know I love and has a small chance on him loving back is a guy that I know I can count on. He cheers me up and doesn't tare me down. He's there for me to lean on or dump all my problems on and I don't mind being there for him. He holds me together an...
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on January 02, 2014

Hey! In case I'm not on, MERRY CHRISTMAS OR WHATEVER HOLIDAY YOU CELEBRATE!!!!!!! HOPE ITS GREAT!!!! Also I hope you find time to update soon, cant wait to read more on your stories. AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

let me know if you need help!!!!!!!!!!!! is it about one direction cause you are really good at those and I love them
on January 02, 2014

I'll try and merry xmas and happy new year to you too! Will be starting new story soon :)
on January 02, 2014
on December 15, 2013
on November 25, 2013

Hey! Can you update your stories? I'm dying to know what happens and I'm dying to read something good
on October 28, 2013

JKRowling added a new chapter to One Direction Fan Fiction

Chapter 30: big news
We walked downstairs and saw that Harry, Louis, and Zayn had started a new nerf game.
"Let's play Mario kart!" I suggested. We put in the game and Zayn, Harry, and Louis joined in. We played for hours. Finally my stomach growled as loud aw possible. Harry drove off a cliff and said: "Your stomach caused an earthquake which made me fall off." we all laughed and paused the game. "I'll start dinner. What do we want?" Harry asked. We agreed on chicken and rice.
I sat next to Louis. We all dug in,... Read Full Chapter
"Let's play Mario kart!" I suggested. We put in the game and Zayn, Harry, and Louis joined in. We played for hours. Finally my stomach growled as loud aw possible. Harry drove off a cliff and said: "Your stomach caused an earthquake which made me fall off." we all laughed and paused the game. "I'll start dinner. What do we want?" Harry asked. We agreed on chicken and rice.
I sat next to Louis. We all dug in,... Read Full Chapter
on October 19, 2013

JKRowling added a new chapter to One Direction Fan Fiction

Chapter 29: nerf war
I fell asleep easily. When I woke up I was in my room. At first I thought everything was a dream but then I remembered. I had fallen asleep in Zayn's arms after they sang me their song. I woke up and couldn't sleep so I walked into one of their rooms and fell asleep on the floor. They must have carried me back to my room. I sat up and realized Liam was laying by me. He was looking at me and smiling.
"Good morning. You sleep well?" he asked?
"Um. I don't really remember."
"Once we sang you to ... Read Full Chapter
"Good morning. You sleep well?" he asked?
"Um. I don't really remember."
"Once we sang you to ... Read Full Chapter
on October 15, 2013

Hey! what's up!?!
on November 25, 2013
on October 13, 2013

JKRowling asked a question

Should I continue to make my One Direction Fan Fiction? So I'm making this one story ab...
on October 13, 2013

When are you going to add more to your stories? Please tell me its soon<3

Sorry and hope I'm not bothering you but I love your story. Please tell me you are in writing mode
on October 12, 2013
on October 10, 2013

Hey! What's up?

on October 10, 2013
on October 10, 2013

JKRowling added a new chapter to One Direction Fan Fiction

Chapter 28: our song
I spent the day on the couch. The guys came and went. Eventually they were all out of the house but I don't know why. I hadn't seen Niall since that morning either, I wonder what he was doing. The phone rang beside me, it was the hospital. The doctor told me that I would have to come in for a cheek up tomorrow and if everything was ok then I would get my arm cast off. After that exciting call from the doc I thought I would try to sleep. I lay there with my eyes closed for the longest time. I ...
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on October 08, 2013