JKRowling asked a question
Here is a riddle for you If a red man lives in the red house, a orange man lives in an ...
on August 22, 2013

JKRowling asked a question
I have a riddle for anyone willing to try it The riddle is: As I was going to saint I's...
on August 22, 2013

JKRowling asked a question

Does anyone need any advice on something in there life? I can help I'm pretty good abou...
on August 22, 2013

Hey. I like your Qfeast name

just following people
on August 18, 2013

any time. what u up to
on August 18, 2013

on August 18, 2013
on August 18, 2013

Hey, Thehost, I'm bored. what are u up to????!
on August 18, 2013

JKRowling asked a question

What would your dream date with one of the one direction guys be like? give me details ...
on August 18, 2013

JKRowling asked a question

Would you rather be a vampire or werewolf? and would u rather date a vampire and a were...
on August 18, 2013

JKRowling asked a question

I would like to know how your dream relationship is like I would really like a boyfrien...
on August 18, 2013

JKRowling asked a question

How can I be pretty? I haven't had a relationship yet and I am going into 9th grade. I ...
on August 09, 2013

JKRowling asked a question
Have you taken the Harry Potter romantic life quiz? If so then what do you think? I wan...
on August 06, 2013

JKRowling asked a question
What book should I read next? I have read a lot of books and now I am calling on the pe...
on August 06, 2013

JKRowling asked a question

I am going to be a Freshman and I don't know what to do in High School. What do I do I'...
on August 03, 2013