that one moment when you're in a room and the teachers office is in the same room but they have a door and you can hear you're teacher talking sh!t about you...
on July 21, 2017

on July 21, 2017

so my ex decided it'd be fun to block me on Snapchat and unfollow me on all social medias...
I almost broke down yesterday I was beyond heartbroken all I have for them is now hate..
I almost broke down yesterday I was beyond heartbroken all I have for them is now hate..
on July 21, 2017

me: I don't like KPOP
Friends: listen to BTS
Me: *Watches BTS all MVs and Bangtan Bombs* oh sh!t
also me: *watches EXO and seventeen* well f*ck
Friends: listen to BTS
Me: *Watches BTS all MVs and Bangtan Bombs* oh sh!t
also me: *watches EXO and seventeen* well f*ck
on July 20, 2017

Well well well great to know that my favorite youtubers want to kill the fandom

on July 19, 2017
on June 07, 2017

there was kids at the concert KIDS! And they'd be trumatized about what happened,
Those kids saw blood and would be shit scarred Ariana would be chocked, devastated
This world that we live in is asuloutely disgusting why are bad things happening?
this shows how much life is precious, and how quickly lives are taken
my heart is out to manchester
Those kids saw blood and would be shit scarred Ariana would be chocked, devastated
This world that we live in is asuloutely disgusting why are bad things happening?
this shows how much life is precious, and how quickly lives are taken
my heart is out to manchester
on May 23, 2017

Black & White (feat. Superfruit) by Todrick Hall
iTunes: http://goo.gl/wgP55g Taken from Straight Outta Oz (Deluxe Edition): https://youtu.be/4mUSwHhJ6zA Straight Outta Oz LIVE in Concert: http://todrickhal...
on May 22, 2017

Journey - Don't Stop Believing Lyrics
OMG! This Song is Soo Amazing! Everybody At My School Loves Singing This Song! I Dedicate This Song To All My Friends, Don't Stop Believing! Lyrics: http://w...
on May 17, 2017

Why the hell am i hearing a ticking noise??

its just cold where i am i've moved around during recess and where the couch is its just cold no heater no ari cons are on @FullmetalSoulButler
on May 17, 2017

if you move around and theres one small area thats cold it could be a ghost, but if its like the same temp everywhere (without artificial heating) then nah
on May 17, 2017

on May 17, 2017
on May 17, 2017

my story about bullying:
I’ve been judged and bullied for 8-9 years, it’s affected me badly both mentally and physically I started getting bullied in year 3 for me being myself I didn’t let it get to me, but it still hurt because I was keeping it all built in and not seeking help but in year 9 that’s when it all went down-hill I found out that I have depression, anxiety, am suicidal and suicidal thoughts I wanted to end my life every day, I wanted to sleep forever and never ever See More wake up, I felt worthless, I saw nothing but darkness, I wanted to be gone but I never did it, I found nothing worth living for, I saw no hope, I felt worthless, ugly, a disgrace you name it that’s what I thought and how it affected me and it still does affect me I still am getting bullied but I try not to let it bother me, I have good days and bad days, I still see nothing worth living for, I’m still not okay, I’m still healing, I’m not perfectly healed but I want to be healed, I want the pain to go away, I want to be happy, but how can I be happy? How can I get healed? I try everyday but nothing is there besides my friends and my family and darkness itself, I want the pain gone forever but it never goes away. I want it to end but it never ends it’s a huge cycle with no end it’s always there at every waking hour of every minute of every day, I may be happy but on the inside I’m not, I may act all cheerful but I’m not, people should think twice before they say something they don’t know the damage that the words could do to a person how do I know if they’re kind or nice? How do I know if they’re not two faced? How should I trust someone without knowing that they’re talking about me behind my back? How can I ever trust someone and let them in without knowing if they’re hurt me or not? This is the damage that words could do. How can someone be so nice, bright and happy and end up in a dark twisted pitch black hole with no escape no end to the pain and suffering there is no end no escape no light for the darkness, you cannot know a person without knowing who they truly are, you cannot know a person and not know how damaged they’re heart is or how damaged they are on the inside out. How can I ever trust someone and love someone without knowing if they’d hurt me or damage me I’m Kat and that’s my story.
I’ve been judged and bullied for 8-9 years, it’s affected me badly both mentally and physically I started getting bullied in year 3 for me being myself I didn’t let it get to me, but it still hurt because I was keeping it all built in and not seeking help but in year 9 that’s when it all went down-hill I found out that I have depression, anxiety, am suicidal and suicidal thoughts I wanted to end my life every day, I wanted to sleep forever and never ever See More wake up, I felt worthless, I saw nothing but darkness, I wanted to be gone but I never did it, I found nothing worth living for, I saw no hope, I felt worthless, ugly, a disgrace you name it that’s what I thought and how it affected me and it still does affect me I still am getting bullied but I try not to let it bother me, I have good days and bad days, I still see nothing worth living for, I’m still not okay, I’m still healing, I’m not perfectly healed but I want to be healed, I want the pain to go away, I want to be happy, but how can I be happy? How can I get healed? I try everyday but nothing is there besides my friends and my family and darkness itself, I want the pain gone forever but it never goes away. I want it to end but it never ends it’s a huge cycle with no end it’s always there at every waking hour of every minute of every day, I may be happy but on the inside I’m not, I may act all cheerful but I’m not, people should think twice before they say something they don’t know the damage that the words could do to a person how do I know if they’re kind or nice? How do I know if they’re not two faced? How should I trust someone without knowing that they’re talking about me behind my back? How can I ever trust someone and let them in without knowing if they’re hurt me or not? This is the damage that words could do. How can someone be so nice, bright and happy and end up in a dark twisted pitch black hole with no escape no end to the pain and suffering there is no end no escape no light for the darkness, you cannot know a person without knowing who they truly are, you cannot know a person and not know how damaged they’re heart is or how damaged they are on the inside out. How can I ever trust someone and love someone without knowing if they’d hurt me or damage me I’m Kat and that’s my story.
on May 04, 2017

We love you Gaga!! Filmed/Recorded at Endless Noise Studios! http://www.endlessnoise.com http://www.twitter.com/endlessnoise MERCHANDISE!!! https://sup3rfrui...
on May 03, 2017