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Comments (121)

What happened? Trouble with Christmas decorations?
Goldie: w-what?...no.....help...please.
on March 17, 2016
on March 17, 2016
on March 17, 2016
on March 17, 2016
on March 17, 2016
on March 17, 2016
on March 17, 2016

Thanks...Hello? Hey Foxy, I need your help...no, I haven't to open a can...I need you here, can you come?
on March 17, 2016
on March 17, 2016
on March 17, 2016

on March 17, 2016
on March 17, 2016
on March 17, 2016

Is that? It can't be.... Even if it is, why are you tied up? With Christmas decorations at that.....
*Walks closer*
*still wheezing*
*Is out cold now*
I think I'm fine....I don't know why things keep bumping into my head today....it's odd....
*Starts moving backwards into desk*
*Knocks over a coffee mug, which hits my head*
Wh-....What's scaring you?...
What's going on?
*Looks back down at the floor*
How'd that happen?
*Looks up to where it used to be*
*Silently looks at the ground*
Oh, alright....So....What was that earlier?....the thing in the darkness...?
Yeah, just a little bump..
How'd you do that, with the power?
*Shields eyes*
*Hits head trying to get up*
I don't know....
*Stares at floor*
You scared me for a moment there.....but I'm glad you're still here....
Is that you...?
*Silently cowers in the corner*
*Is tense*
I-...I don't like the dark too much...not after watching a few horror movies....
*Pitch black room*
So this is where they work? I thought....never mind, let's just wait it out in here...
*Picks up camera tablet*
Let's see what there is to see....
*Light flickers off, and phone runs out of power*
Here goes nothing....
Hmm......Maybe the guards room might be safer....at least we have cameras to look at in there....
*Is somewhat uneasy, looking at every sound that is loud enough to hear*
U-..Um....What was that?....
Goldie: *she quickly turns it back on*
*Goes silent*
You can take a look at it, just don't shine it in your eyes, ok?
Have you ever seen a flashlight before?
I thought the night guards carried those everywhere....
I guess I'm going to be the night guard tonight then....
*Looking up in an instant*
Wait....the doors lock after dark...?
*Leans on right hand, contemplating about the local area, and so many other things*
*Doesn't notice Goldie glancing at him*
*Stares at the ground still*
I don't have anyone around either.....they're all gone.....doing stuff....or don't care...
*Silently looks at the ground*
*Whispering to himself*
Or is it something else that's bothering her?....
Hmm...the others....what happened?
I'm sure they're fine, do you like any of this stuff? What's going on?
*Sits down next to Goldie*
Are you alright?
*Sees it's almost night time*
Where's the night guards?
I hope I don't get in trouble for this....