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Comments (42)

*hugs* It's okay, I'm here for you.
on April 09, 2016

*is silent* "...." :(
*Offers support, but fails*
*Offers support, but fails*
on March 11, 2016
on March 11, 2016

*finishes black/white version*
*contemplates about posting it on Qfeast as a Before-After image set*
*contemplates about posting it on Qfeast as a Before-After image set*
on March 11, 2016
on March 11, 2016

*Contemplates on whether he should color it, or just leave it black and white*
*goes and asks Qfeast*
*goes and asks Qfeast*
on March 11, 2016
on March 11, 2016

on March 11, 2016
on March 11, 2016

*Slightly confused*
W-..Why the additional hug?
Actually...I'm sorry for questioning it...
*Accepts hug, and hugs back*
W-..Why the additional hug?
Actually...I'm sorry for questioning it...
*Accepts hug, and hugs back*
on March 11, 2016
on March 11, 2016

*the fox has it's ears down, as if sad, while it stares into a shallow puddle contemplating existence itself...life and such...*
on March 11, 2016
on March 11, 2016

*Drawing IRL....It's another fox, most similar to others I drew in the past....sitting down in the open air, staring at the ground, still in black and white.... on a rocky face with trees stretching up to the fox in the background as it rains lightly*
on March 11, 2016
on March 11, 2016

on March 11, 2016
on March 11, 2016

I guess I'm fine from here..
Not amazing...but...I'm fine..
Sorry for earlier...this week or last....for being here...
I guess I'm fine from here..
Not amazing...but...I'm fine..
Sorry for earlier...this week or last....for being here...
on March 11, 2016
on March 11, 2016

*accepts hug, and hugs back*
Why.....why are people like you....Calista.... SouloftheWolves all saying the same thing? Have said the same thing?
Why.....why are people like you....Calista.... SouloftheWolves all saying the same thing? Have said the same thing?
on March 11, 2016
on March 11, 2016

Maybe not at talking..but projecting your ideas online, on Qfeast..you're so much better at that..
Maybe I don't know, and you don't know all the mistakes you have made..but.. You have not made any mistakes here on Qfeast..
I've already made plenty here..still make more everyday..
I'm not amazing..never have..never will be.. I don't know love, I don't know a See More lot of things..I drag things along even after they have died.. TDI..the space engineers film idea I had..the "Blacklist"..so many more..
I don't know anymore..just.......
Maybe I don't know, and you don't know all the mistakes you have made..but.. You have not made any mistakes here on Qfeast..
I've already made plenty here..still make more everyday..
I'm not amazing..never have..never will be.. I don't know love, I don't know a See More lot of things..I drag things along even after they have died.. TDI..the space engineers film idea I had..the "Blacklist"..so many more..
I don't know anymore..just.......
on March 11, 2016
Your amazing.
I have made more mistakes than I even know.
I don't care if you fuckking have killed someone, I would still talk to you.
I suck at talking, my voice is the most quiet in my class, actually...
I have made more mistakes than I even know.
I don't care if you fuckking have killed someone, I would still talk to you.
I suck at talking, my voice is the most quiet in my class, actually...
on March 11, 2016

*starts to talk/type, but stops*
You have not messed up..though I will never know for sure since I don't know you..
I've pushed friends away with the flick of a lever..a push of a button..the dropping of a virtual artillery shell in a game..by breaking the rules and being an utter Douch about it..
I tried helping a friend back in Hawaii....but that just See More got in a mess..
I tried having fun there too, but got people in trouble because someone did a weird karate flip move on me..
Wasted people's time in so many places.. I used to have towns on a minecraft server with real people living in them..but slowly, one by one, they turned into ghost towns..then I would abandon it myself to make a new one.... seven towns in total..all gone..
I am worthless.. What use am I on this Earth if I can't do anything right?
I'm sure you have not messed up on so many things as you think....you're better than me. Maybe not at drawing..but at ponies, Qfeast..talking..so much more..
You have not messed up..though I will never know for sure since I don't know you..
I've pushed friends away with the flick of a lever..a push of a button..the dropping of a virtual artillery shell in a game..by breaking the rules and being an utter Douch about it..
I tried helping a friend back in Hawaii....but that just See More got in a mess..
I tried having fun there too, but got people in trouble because someone did a weird karate flip move on me..
Wasted people's time in so many places.. I used to have towns on a minecraft server with real people living in them..but slowly, one by one, they turned into ghost towns..then I would abandon it myself to make a new one.... seven towns in total..all gone..
I am worthless.. What use am I on this Earth if I can't do anything right?
I'm sure you have not messed up on so many things as you think....you're better than me. Maybe not at drawing..but at ponies, Qfeast..talking..so much more..
on March 11, 2016
Your not worthless. You may not speak, but I can tell you want to.
I have messed up on so many things.
I suck at humans, and ponies...
I have messed up on so many things.
I suck at humans, and ponies...
on March 11, 2016

*Looks up at you*
I've messed up in more than just my own drawings.....my life....my own words.... I can't draw anything more than a fox plainly sitting staring at the ground, hunched over somewhere! My anime characters are worthless.... I'm always silent..... I'm worthless...
*Looks back at pad, but doesn't continue drawing...*
I've messed up in more than just my own drawings.....my life....my own words.... I can't draw anything more than a fox plainly sitting staring at the ground, hunched over somewhere! My anime characters are worthless.... I'm always silent..... I'm worthless...
*Looks back at pad, but doesn't continue drawing...*
on March 11, 2016
on March 11, 2016

*Is drawing on a small sketch pad with a bag near his feet, while he sits on the floor*
"Maybe I should just stay silent..... maybe then I won't mess up as much...."
*Silently draws foxes starring at the ground, sitting, doing nothing*
"Maybe I should just stay silent..... maybe then I won't mess up as much...."
*Silently draws foxes starring at the ground, sitting, doing nothing*
on March 11, 2016
on March 11, 2016

on March 11, 2016
on March 11, 2016

*Is silent for a moment*
"When I tried to give a motivational speech in one comment.....but I think it just....may not sound correct....When you were down, and I tried to help...but it didn't seem to matter.... I think it hasn't been read yet....but...I don't know whether my words were of my own stupid rants....were helpful....or just there...."
*Silent for a See More few more moments*
"When I tried to give a motivational speech in one comment.....but I think it just....may not sound correct....When you were down, and I tried to help...but it didn't seem to matter.... I think it hasn't been read yet....but...I don't know whether my words were of my own stupid rants....were helpful....or just there...."
*Silent for a See More few more moments*
on March 11, 2016
on March 11, 2016

*Hugs back*
"Sorry for my mistake earlier this week, or last week....I just remember the mistake...."
"Sorry for my mistake earlier this week, or last week....I just remember the mistake...."
on March 11, 2016
on March 11, 2016
on March 11, 2016

on March 11, 2016
on March 11, 2016