Leaved And Gone
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*Growls* Frickin' brat...so much butthurt. >>;
on September 14, 2015
@Parabolic But not from me beforehand. I actually wanted to ask her why she blocked me on DA in the first place, but of course, anonymously blocked again.
I can ask her if you'd like
on September 06, 2015
on September 06, 2015
on September 06, 2015
on September 06, 2015
@Parabolic Not really myself. I hadn't ever spoken a word to her via DA nor here, yet she anonymously blocked me on both.
Well I can't say anything about DA I don't have an account there so I don't go there but here I've seen quite a bit of chatter about her :p
on September 06, 2015
on September 06, 2015
Such childish, much buttburt. Jajajajaja.
@popurcherry @KeGrimmDaBitch I guess she isn't so kind and "good girl" as she says she is. (She takes these quizzes after she blocks me, lol.)
Well if that's how it is, she's doing a pretty good job, you guys talk about her a decent amount :p
on September 06, 2015
@InTheCosmos @KeGrimmDaBitch Omg lmao....I honestly think she thinks we're her senpai's..and she's trying to get us to notice her.
on September 06, 2015
on September 06, 2015
on September 06, 2015
@KeGrimmDaBitch @PopUrCherry Definition of hypocrisy: PikachuKitty. Respects opinions... Immediately bans you without letting you speak. XDD The butthurt is strong in this one!
@InTheCosmos @KeGrimmDaBitch Cause hanging out with your best friends on a site that this person shares is a "crime" and I'm threatening her...? Damn I didnt know I was that scary of a person lol
on September 06, 2015
on September 06, 2015
on September 06, 2015
@InTheCosmos lmaoXD She's a butthurt baby.XD "Leaved, a friend of those guys, followed me so I must block without quest." lmaoXD
on September 06, 2015
@KeGrimmDaBitch @PopUrCherry I was only subbed to her for 5 minutes before I realized she laid the block hammer on me. Hey, PikachuKitty, jokes on you: http://www.qfeast.com/pikachukitty/profile/photo/F2vi0s
@InTheCosmos Omg....I think she's a little block happy then. Lol.....seriously though hypocrites right?
on September 06, 2015
on September 06, 2015
on September 06, 2015
@InTheCosmos Oh wow.....that huge stick they got shoved up there must be getting on their nerves
on September 06, 2015
on September 06, 2015