Name: rainpaw
Looks: Tortoiseshell with amber eyes
Gender: she- cat
Clan : riverclan
Mate: NA is a apprentice
Likes: family, friends, elder stories, helping.
Dislikes: shadowclan, eagles, volepaw, tow-legs, kittypets See More
Mentor: none
Has no parents they abandon me has no siblings. My parents abanded me on riverclan side then riverclan boarder patrol found me and took me to there clan. Has the name of rainpaw cause they found me on a rainy day.
Looks: Tortoiseshell with amber eyes
Gender: she- cat
Clan : riverclan
Mate: NA is a apprentice
Likes: family, friends, elder stories, helping.
Dislikes: shadowclan, eagles, volepaw, tow-legs, kittypets See More
Mentor: none
Has no parents they abandon me has no siblings. My parents abanded me on riverclan side then riverclan boarder patrol found me and took me to there clan. Has the name of rainpaw cause they found me on a rainy day.

Rainpaw will actually be in Shadowclan and will be named Rainecho
on September 27, 2018
on January 18, 2018