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Comments (13)

4[] me
on November 13, 2015

Nope. I didn't give him money. HES TRYING TO KILL ME
on November 11, 2015

I never gave Slendy 20 bucks.

Slender- Well my child, whatever you gave me, I shall give back. WANNA PLAY?

Jeff- *runs back panting*
Me- Alright dude, what is it?
Jeff- I told my victim *pants* to go to sleep. Then the cops came and almost *pants* shot me... *collapses*
Me- This is why you should always have coffee before you go on your spree. I thought you were with Eyeless Jack...
Me- Alright dude, what is it?
Jeff- I told my victim *pants* to go to sleep. Then the cops came and almost *pants* shot me... *collapses*
Me- This is why you should always have coffee before you go on your spree. I thought you were with Eyeless Jack...
on November 05, 2015

*Pats your back* Thank you. Now excuse me, I need to help the other creepypastas killing.
on November 05, 2015

on November 05, 2015
on November 05, 2015
on November 05, 2015