Icelandpatha has become a member of the page

Percy Jackson and the Olympians RP page
on November 05, 2014

Icelandpatha asked a question

do you speak german Ich spreche Deutsch, machst du. Wenn ja, etwas sagen zu mir. Wie, w...
on November 03, 2014

hey elletd can you read my story, i would like for you read it:D http://www.qfeast.com/story/P2QHpq/One-more-fight-for-him

One more fight for him
when Brooke and her friend are teleported to her favorite anime, attack on titan things will change
on October 28, 2014

Name: Summer Stale
Backstory:Her mother also was half wolf so she inherited the power
Likes:the woods, wearing grey and red
Dislikes:the city, bright colors, and bears
Backstory:Her mother also was half wolf so she inherited the power
Likes:the woods, wearing grey and red
Dislikes:the city, bright colors, and bears
on October 19, 2014

Icelandpatha asked a question

what country would you live in if i could choose i would live in Lithuania,Denmark, or ...
on October 09, 2014

hey Elleyd i have a new writing question can you check it out please:D
on October 08, 2014

created a
what cabin in percy jackson are you in
on September 23, 2014

on September 21, 2014

hey, i finished the story you helped me with

Run of the baltic - Story | Quotev
When latvia's sister comes for a visit she learns why he's been gone

No I was up till 12:30 doing hw :(( I am SO SO SO sorry I kept trying to read it but I was just too tired :(( I'm really really sorry :((
on September 17, 2014

on September 15, 2014
on September 15, 2014