So I have good news I going to this place that has WiFi so if I go there with my tablet I'll be back on my jason_the_hedgehog profile then I'll put a new password on a paper and type that password in and then I'll be back on my profile!

That's a lot
on November 24, 2018

200 trillion IQ @DarkSpite_Spark56
on November 24, 2018

on November 24, 2018
on November 24, 2018

I feel like I'm here because I have to help those who are sad and depressed and they have no one to go to and like I I don't feel like play everyone needs friends I just need to help those people in need and stuff like that I'm using talk to text on my phone so if anything like times wrong it's probably cuz of that and then slight and then I have to figure out what what I'd tights wrong and hoping that all the mistakes are gone
on November 23, 2018

I have a confession I blocked derpyderpjuice he was a jerk to me for no reason I left to him on Hangouts and I'm gonna block him on everything I have I hate him about the whole Julian and joey dating spark drama I couldn't take it he said to me just ingore it like it was nothing but how can you ingore something when both of your friends are fighting and you can't do anything because if you do you will have more people that hate you
on November 23, 2018

I dare someone to make a story and 500 characters they want in smash

Yep also it doesn't matter if it's 3rd party or a Nintendo character @NetherWorks
on November 21, 2018

Ok WAIT! 500! Oh well. I have 50 already. I will have to use used ones (like non ocd but not smash charaters)
on November 21, 2018
on November 21, 2018

I can't talk I can't play any games I can't have feelings everyone thinks that they need to be taken care of but what about me no cares for me it's true I wouldn't have sucidal thoughts or I wouldn't think I have no friends
on November 21, 2018

Why does life fu*king hate me I can't play any games they always troll me I can't play anything I can't do anything
on November 21, 2018

on November 21, 2018

on November 20, 2018

I'm so worried my mom has to pay the phones so now my phone's is gonna get thanos
on November 20, 2018

Ladies and gentleman we got him
on November 20, 2018

My brother said can I have the phone I said wait cause I want to text mom to play the PS3 and we can do some *goes into Ali a impression*Black ops 2 battle Royale he said he's said he's gonna kill me XD
on November 20, 2018

I was doing who to follow it showed my profile Jason_the_hedgehog XD

Also mabye when I get on tomorrow wanna do a Deltarune roleplay with Orange soda @KoopaQueen
on November 20, 2018
on November 20, 2018