Hipster_sailor_moon uploaded a photo
Well, the 2p axis had cocaine, (is it just me or is 2p Germany is trying to act like a school girl)

on September 10, 2016

on September 10, 2016

on September 09, 2016

People think he's pure evil, but he's actually really lonely, friendly and nice. And understood each the error of his ways,
on September 09, 2016

Other fandom I'm in: undertale, hetalia, fnaf, Steven universe, Rick and morty and creepypasta.
on September 08, 2016

on September 08, 2016

When I watched boku no pico
Me: Ok, it lo- What is th- OH MY DOITSU
Later me: why did you make that japan
Japan: (freezes) (runs for dear life)
Me: Ok, it lo- What is th- OH MY DOITSU
Later me: why did you make that japan
Japan: (freezes) (runs for dear life)
on September 08, 2016

I've got two followers when I was at school!, yay! But I need more, for power.
on September 08, 2016

Dreamtalia was made by kyokoon, credit goes to her!
on September 08, 2016

on September 08, 2016

Oi' put up some of your fanart please, an I will put up some of mine Oi' bye~
on September 08, 2016

Oi' hello, I'm the main admin of this page, felicestfan is my name, shadow Italy's the game, so fill fee to post anything shadow Italy related! Oi' bye~
on September 08, 2016

Oi' enyone please follow me!, I followed lot of people oi' and no persons followed me,
on September 08, 2016