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Sonic WWFFY (Promises) 12 Silver
on February 15, 2016

"Eat my shorts"

@Scar_The_Demon_Wolf Yep : 3)))
on February 15, 2016

OMG why can't I think of this
on January 12, 2016
on January 12, 2016

Hellixn asked a question

Which Anime Openings Gets Stuck In Your Mind? I had this question in my mind so I decid...
on January 07, 2016

today it's my birthday so BOW DOWN

on December 30, 2015
on December 30, 2015

Hey Im stalking your account and youre p great
on September 24, 2015

Hellixn asked a question

what do you think of Sebastian Michaelis? for me think he's a sexy hot demon with badas...
on September 24, 2015

when someone tells you that your crush and your best friend are going out........ that happen to me rn. i need someone to help me to move on :(

on September 24, 2015
on September 24, 2015