Hey Steph :) Want to join ma page? "Creepypasta Stories" :3 That'd be awesome, I need members :D

on July 31, 2013

Lol sure! :D
on July 31, 2013
on July 27, 2013

on July 18, 2013

New Entry was added to Marble Hornets Youtube Channel. Just wanted to say. :)
entry #73: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Jg22PqvreI
(BTW, I've sent this to everyone who favorited "Creepypasta Stories" and thought I wouldn't have n=been done notifying everyone until I notified you too... LOL :3
Hoodie: Oh, and Imma just say hi...)
entry #73: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Jg22PqvreI
(BTW, I've sent this to everyone who favorited "Creepypasta Stories" and thought I wouldn't have n=been done notifying everyone until I notified you too... LOL :3
Hoodie: Oh, and Imma just say hi...)

There's suicidesaddie, silent, (there both girls lol) and then theres the grinner...now grinner....he reminds me of slendy only this time grinner has a face and slendy don't poor slendy :( lol but grinner yeah he remind u of slendy Lmao :) he's pretty cool tho
on July 31, 2013

Omg stupid auto correct -_- its not clockwise its clockwork thats her name lmao sorry about tjat she's tobys girl and like she has a clock in her left eye socket and her weapons are knives shes pretty cool sorry bout that lex good thing I over checked that Lmao stupid phone -_- smh and also there's other creepypastas I know that I consider my new best friends See More :-D I'm not sure if u heard of them or not but imma tell ya anways :)
on July 31, 2013

on July 31, 2013

Also do u know clocky? Tobys gf? Well her name is clockwise lol :D she's cool and do u know kage cao? I think his name is lol hes Chinese and he hangs out with eyeless jack all the time and he loves wine just like Jeff Lmao :D he's cool too lex u should look them up when u have a chance :)
on July 31, 2013

Ben: *eats sandwich, hot cheetos and drinks soda* im done :D *hyper mode activated* can we go play on the slide now can we can we can we? :D
Steph: *smiles*
Steph: *smiles*
on July 31, 2013
on July 14, 2013

Hey Steph. Don't know if you heard but I'm leaving qfeast tomorrow

And I hope u will be safe, strong and live a wonderful great life and do what u gotta do. :) my love and wishes go to u zoe! Ur the best :)
on July 12, 2013

Oh Dang =\ well is there any other way we can communicate? There's another writing website that I get on, its called Figment.com.....all of my stories from qfeast r up there :) my user name is Jeff'sGirl lol hopefully we can communicate on there if that's possible =\ imma really miss u hun I wish u nothing but the best in life :)
on July 12, 2013

Well, I have been really busy and don't have time for qfeast :( I was thinking of trying to come back around when school starts again but that would make it worse :( I have tried to figure something out but I cant so I'm leaving :(
on July 12, 2013
on July 12, 2013

Hey Steph, I just wanted to say that the reason I haven't rly benn talking is because my audio has just gotten fixed. I've taken this oportunity to rewatch all of the Marble Hornets videos! :D :D Talk to ya later :3
on July 04, 2013

Hey Steph! :D Are you online? :3
on July 02, 2013

xD I'm back from Florda!! Yayyayyay!! XD

Lol, yah. :3 But I don't have them yet because my camera had no batteries so my aunt has to email my grandma the pictures... complicatedness LOL xD
on June 26, 2013
on June 26, 2013

Hi Steph, if you have any spare ti.e would you mine reading my HG book and maybe give some tips and a rating? Thanks! Its called, The Hunger Games, Zoe's Point of View. The main character is a fourteen year old name Zoe.
on June 22, 2013

Hi Steph!!! Zoe here!! I have stopped hiding that I am a punk!!! Which I am so yeah!!

Lmao sounds amazing and awesome! :D hope u have fun and hope ur friend has a wonderful birthday :D and I'm pretty good I guess lol
on June 21, 2013

Pretty good. We're gonna go camping on the beach in this luxury beach house (well according to everyone else its a cabin but I'm calling it a luxury beach because it has a hot tub and tons of fancy rooms.) Then after that my friend and I are going to...some amusement park idk because its her b day on the 3rd of July xD. She always tells me, 'I knew I should've See More waited 1 more day!' Lol. Then I'm gonna help set up the flower float in the 4th of July parade and I'm pretty excited. How bout u? :p
on June 20, 2013

Lmao hey was sup?!? How u been hun I missed ya so much! =D hey guess what idk if lexi told u but I'm doing a creepypasta story with me u and her so I just need to get down the title and some ideas so =\ but anyways how u been? :)
on June 20, 2013
on June 20, 2013

Hey guys was sup =)
on June 19, 2013

Hey lex, I have an idea for a creepypasta story now =D

Blade: *sleeps on daddys shoulder. Feels daddy walk and hears footsteps. Knows ots mommy following. Hears door open. Knows that its bed time. Smiles and lifts head up little* daddy? Mommy? Can I sleep with u tonight please im scared to sleep in my room :(
Steph: of course sweetie *smiles and kisses blades headn follows jeff upstairs and inside room. Watches See More Jeff lay blade down on bed. Smiles and goew into batjroom and changes into one of jeffs tshirts for night gown. Walks out and walks over to bed. Crawl
Steph: of course sweetie *smiles and kisses blades headn follows jeff upstairs and inside room. Watches See More Jeff lay blade down on bed. Smiles and goew into batjroom and changes into one of jeffs tshirts for night gown. Walks out and walks over to bed. Crawl
on July 02, 2013

Jane: *let's out yawn. Smiles and kisses ljs lips. Gets out of the car and walks over to ljs side. Yawns and walks into ljs arms. Snuggles in arms. Kisses his cheek* u shoild go see him amd see how he's doing :)
Ben: *smiles at lexis moans. Goes faster and pins lexi on wall. Goes harder and faster. Feels lexi climax comimg. Groans* oh love not yet
Sally: *smiles See More and snuggles in eces arms. flips him on his back and crawls on top of him. Lays on top and snuggles in exes arms* oh exe its just me :) I love u
Ben: *smiles at lexis moans. Goes faster and pins lexi on wall. Goes harder and faster. Feels lexi climax comimg. Groans* oh love not yet
Sally: *smiles See More and snuggles in eces arms. flips him on his back and crawls on top of him. Lays on top and snuggles in exes arms* oh exe its just me :) I love u
on July 02, 2013

Okay... if you swear on it... But if you come back beaten up by you boss that immediately gives me the right to slaughter him, alright? *rocks Blade in arms while he sleeps. kisses Steph's lips in return and smiles at her*
on July 02, 2013
on June 19, 2013

How was graduation?! :D

It was nerve racking with all those ppl there 0_0 but it was all good in the end =)
on June 01, 2013
on June 01, 2013

Hey, can you follow owl361 for me. :) Trying to get her many followers. :D

Oh hey! :D P.s sorry, my grandma had to go on the computer and that's why I wanted to talk to you (before she got on). But everything's awsome now. :D
on June 02, 2013

on June 02, 2013
on June 01, 2013

Hey guys how's it going? :) <3

on May 31, 2013
on May 31, 2013

I am going to be posting new chapters to "Creepypasta Stories". :D I'm going to post the following chapters:
Sally: Play With Me
Ed, Edd n Eddy Lost Episode (#34)
Dead Bart
I just wanted to tell everyone and ask what you think. I found out about some popular Lost Episode Creepypastas and though "Oh, what the heck? Why not?" So tell me what you think and if you'd like that. :/ Plz. :) I'll be posting it today.
Sally: Play With Me
Ed, Edd n Eddy Lost Episode (#34)
Dead Bart
I just wanted to tell everyone and ask what you think. I found out about some popular Lost Episode Creepypastas and though "Oh, what the heck? Why not?" So tell me what you think and if you'd like that. :/ Plz. :) I'll be posting it today.

OMG, Suicide girl... O_o I looked at the picture and felt sad and then read the story and was like what what whaaaatt wha-what? AND THEN I CHECKED IT WAS NOT A GIF!! O_O Oh crud.
on June 02, 2013

Hahahahahaha! I accidently made the gif freeze right when the sponge blinked and it frozed when his eyes were almost opened. :P
on June 02, 2013

Omgosh! I had like 2 staring contest with the sponge and lost. :( Then I refreshed the page and stared closely at the screen, seeing him blink AGAIN, scaring me AGAIN. For a different reason though. *whispers to you* He doesn't close his eyes completely when he blinks. O_o So scared it's not even funny. :(
on June 02, 2013

OMG OMG! I SAW HIM BLINK AGAIN!! IT'S SO SCARY!! His eyelids are like, creepy, zombyish. I dunno. O_o Creeped out that he blinks. Then again it's a gif. O_O Still creeped
on June 02, 2013

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!! STEPH STEPH!! D': I decided to try it again so I stared at him for awhile.... AND HE BLINKED!!!!! O_O It scared me so bad. Nearly had a heart attack right then and there. *hyperventilating. Now laughing* Oh gosh.
on June 02, 2013
on May 30, 2013

Hello! So how are u? =D
on May 28, 2013