Glitterburn's Polls - Page 3
Glitterburn published 70 polls
Is You're Welcome a Villian song?
Be honest! Are you the bully or the bullied?
Out of these choices which is your OTP?
The best Ro'meave (Mystreet)
Who should Amy be? Sonictale
Sonictale? Who should Sonicbe? (Disclaimer: People are arguing over who is who so I hav...
Is Runescape still relevent?
Youtuber Showdown Finale Markiplier vs. KapitalPixelated
Kapital Pixelated Vs. Cryaotic (Youtuber Showdown Semi-Finals round two)
Zane or Gene?
Which youtuber do you like more: Pewdiepie vs. Markiplier (Semi-Finals Round 1) ?
Thelordra or kapitalxielated

Cryaotic or TherpgMinx (Round three of the best youtuber tournament)

Pewdiepie or Cinnamotoastken (Round two of the best youtuber tournament)

Markiplier or Jacksepticeye
Which Game is the best?
These are the two worst animes (By popular opinion) which is worse?
Does Pokemon Count As an Anime?