Can I ask something real quick. I've been reading up on Social Justice and what it sounds like to me is that it's racist, sexist, homophobic, and transphobic. But Social Justice warriors fight for them. Strange if you ask me
on February 28, 2018

Glitterburn added a new chapter to The 100 (Qfeast Edition)
"Bloody Mess Part 3 Finale" Abby
I sat in the drop ship freaking out. 'If these grounders want us dead and we have lost almost half of us we stand no chance.' At that moment foot steps approached I looked up and saw birds then they sighed "You're thinking we're doomed huh?"
I looked down again on the verge of tears. Then they lifted my chin and smiled "What if I told you I found a bunker to hide in. It's big enough for six people and so far I've got five including me. Wanna be lucky number six."
I slowly wipe away the tear... Read Full Chapter
I looked down again on the verge of tears. Then they lifted my chin and smiled "What if I told you I found a bunker to hide in. It's big enough for six people and so far I've got five including me. Wanna be lucky number six."
I slowly wipe away the tear... Read Full Chapter
on February 28, 2018

Glitterburn asked a question
What is the point in life? I've been wondering this for a while now. I was always so ha...
on February 28, 2018

Glitterburn added a new chapter to The 100 (Qfeast Edition)
Chapter 8: "Bloody Mess Part 2" Yamilette and Jello
I watched in horror as Samantha dropped the gun and started balling in her hands. Suddenly the door opened and a strange person ran in "Damn it you idiots couldn't wait any longer?! Damn it! I got them to agree to let all of you go. What have you done?!"
Samantha looked up having the same horrified expression I did. The person sighed "I am Milo of Trikru and I was sent here to let you go! But part of the agreement was I needed take one of you for your crimes against my people.... blood must ... Read Full Chapter
Samantha looked up having the same horrified expression I did. The person sighed "I am Milo of Trikru and I was sent here to let you go! But part of the agreement was I needed take one of you for your crimes against my people.... blood must ... Read Full Chapter
on February 15, 2018

Glitterburn added a new chapter to The 100 (Qfeast Edition)
Chapter Seven: "Bloody Mess Part 1" Sunrise
I sat alone away from everyone in camp wondering how so many of us have died. I marked three names off the list I made of all of us and sighed. I looked up and saw Jack, Jello, Yamilette, and Samantha. I smiled a little "Okay what do you four want?"
Jello sighed "You're acting exactly like i did. Cut the crap. We're going hunting. We're also going to retrieve Jason's body. Seg's waiting for us at the camp exit. Wanna come with us"
I sighed "Yeah sure I'll come with you. But" I looked at Sam... Read Full Chapter
Jello sighed "You're acting exactly like i did. Cut the crap. We're going hunting. We're also going to retrieve Jason's body. Seg's waiting for us at the camp exit. Wanna come with us"
I sighed "Yeah sure I'll come with you. But" I looked at Sam... Read Full Chapter
on February 14, 2018

Oh by the way you can expect Chapter seven today X3

Samantha can I not be on the bad side because I know it's not based on real life it's just I hate the bad side it's sucks I'm mostly the main villain in story's and I hate it when this happens to me and why did you make me the main villain with out making sure it's fine with me
on February 18, 2018

but i cant be on bad side the bad guys always die in the end and maybe only john will be alive or all my characters are gonna die cause only my characters have died
on February 16, 2018
on February 14, 2018

So I'm gonna ask a quick question. I'm guilty of this to. Why must we hate each other? I know we don't all hate each other but what my problem is, is, no one can have a civil debate. instead it's nothing but petty insults. In fact there are people on her who might have even killed themselves from insults from some people. I just don't understand why. SJW's or Liberals say they're sick of Trump's hate and everyone's hate but what they do is hate. And from what I know hate spawns See More more hate. Besides let me just say every presidential check Donald Trump has gotten he's donated to charities. Most of his chairs are filled with women. He's said a few things that you've tried to skew that's true but he wants what's best for this country. I don't understand why some people can't see that but oh well that's not what this is about. I jsut want us all to get along. THough it's not possible.

Its very true what you wrote the reason I know that Donald Trump is getting hate is because he made a wall so mexicans can't come to america and that he doesn't like anyone who speaks spanish or other languages it also said that Donald Trump is in love with his daughter and that he treats his wife like garbage
on February 14, 2018
on February 14, 2018

What happened to The 100 Qfeast Edition? Someone asked me this today. Well honestly I want to finish the actual show before I continue the book. Also some stuff has been going on and well it's hard to write stuff when you're super depressed but oh well! I'm getting over it so yeah sorry about that.

Take you're time you can always take a break when you feel like it feel better soon
on February 14, 2018
on February 13, 2018

Glitterburn added a new chapter to Disproving
Social Justice
It's stupid.............................................................................................................................................
Read Full Chapter
on January 30, 2018

Glitterburn added a new chapter to The 100 (Qfeast Edition)
Chapter Six: Jason
I smirked and walked out of camp. Everything was going according to plan. Now all I need to do is convince Abby to join me. After I got far enough away from camp a man jumped from the tree. "Do you have any information?" The man asked
I smiled "Yes I do. In fact I brought a prisoner. He pulled on a rope and John fell from a tree. "This is one of our people. he knows more about the camp then I do. Here take him."
The man nodded, took John and then handed Jason a Knife "Use this knife to kill... Read Full Chapter
I smiled "Yes I do. In fact I brought a prisoner. He pulled on a rope and John fell from a tree. "This is one of our people. he knows more about the camp then I do. Here take him."
The man nodded, took John and then handed Jason a Knife "Use this knife to kill... Read Full Chapter
on January 29, 2018

Glitterburn added a new chapter to The 100 (Qfeast Edition)
Staus (Skip this chapter to avoid Spoilers)
Due to a recent poll the people have voted that they want to know who dies. So Please skip this chapter if you don't want any spoilers. Also if you're reading this on my page... stop if you don't want any spoilers. Have a good day
Jello: Alive
Birds: Alive
Yamilette: Unknown (Presumed Dead)
Cause of possible death: Was in the collapsing building
How she could have survived: Could have gotten into the hatch
Samantha: Unknown (Presumed Dead or Being Tortured)
Cause of possible death: Kidnap... Read Full Chapter
Jello: Alive
Birds: Alive
Yamilette: Unknown (Presumed Dead)
Cause of possible death: Was in the collapsing building
How she could have survived: Could have gotten into the hatch
Samantha: Unknown (Presumed Dead or Being Tortured)
Cause of possible death: Kidnap... Read Full Chapter
on January 29, 2018

on January 29, 2018