on July 15, 2022

on July 15, 2022

July can suck a ffucking dick ive neve had a worse month
on July 15, 2022

gonna have a panic attack over a little thing while poeple ae here aye
on July 15, 2022

on July 15, 2022

looking up creepypasta characters at night constantly while everyone else is asleep > sleep
on July 15, 2022

wait bc how do creepypasta characters even *become* cannon? Like some creators make an oc, make a story, it blows up, but nothing other than wiki sites say its canon? Or is there like a fandom creator that people submit characters too and is either approved or disapproved of? Bc i'm genuinely curious now
on July 15, 2022

i those insecure little brats so much like ong i just wanna hum a song to myself but you have to yell shut up from the other room bc you hate me or are just joking but guess what yyou little shit you're part of the reason i'm ffucking annoying and you got all the attention didn't you since you were born last so they had to focus more on you huh and now your a slightly self centered little brat who yells when you dont get wht you want and have dad's anger issues. Also no im not See More letting you live with me when we're older work fo yourslef.
on July 15, 2022

on July 15, 2022

alright i'm better still alive sadly but better
on July 14, 2022

im this close to fckig kms if one more fuking thing goes wrong today i just woke up and im gonna fkcing kms its that wonderful of a day already why the fuc does everyone's shit happen to me may as well try bc whos gonna care im pretty much justt a side chaacter only 1 or 2 people would really care if im ffucking gone and i cant do it later sice i promised my dad i wouldnt while in high school but wait oops promised another person i wouldn't either well ffuck why is this See More planet the one where humas exist and feel emotions first off almost lost my head in second grade almost lost my sibling's head in preschool lost my grandfather in 2nd grade almost lost my girlfriend countless times anxiety is building u depression is buildin up oh and i ffucking lost my ibf last month isn't that great i relapsed on both starvig myself and harming myself but uless your staving yourself to loose weight it ist really s/h huh thats what i was told ive bee lied to so may times i wouldnt be surprised if waking up was a lie why do you think i hide myself its because i dont like the surprised reaction you give when i express myself as if im an animal or 2 year old just learning how to walk but im fine its all fine you guys got this keep on going :) i might for a bit as well, only a bit..
im this close to fckig kms if one more fuking thing goes wrong today i just woke up and im gonna fkcing kms its that wonderful of a day already why the fuc does everyone's shit happen to me may as well try bc whos gonna care im pretty much justt a side chaacter only 1 or 2 people would really care if im ffucking gone and i cant do it later sice i promised my dad i wouldnt while in high school but wait oops promised another person i wouldn't either well ffuck why is this See More planet the one where humas exist and feel emotions first off almost lost my head in second grade almost lost my sibling's head in preschool lost my grandfather in 2nd grade almost lost my girlfriend countless times anxiety is building u depression is buildin up oh and i ffucking lost my ibf last month isn't that great i relapsed on both starvig myself and harming myself but uless your staving yourself to loose weight it ist really s/h huh thats what i was told ive bee lied to so may times i wouldnt be surprised if waking up was a lie why do you think i hide myself its because i dont like the surprised reaction you give when i express myself as if im an animal or 2 year old just learning how to walk but im fine its all fine you guys got this keep on going :) i might for a bit as well, only a bit..
on July 14, 2022

on July 14, 2022

ive had a headache all day and have lost the ability to swallow pills help
no water does not work
no water does not work
on July 14, 2022

what if i made a roblox story thing but its totally unrelated to drama and based off of one of my gcs
on July 13, 2022

rememberng my mom has discord so i cant really put my feelings in my discor status
on July 13, 2022

i think my dog justt barked "no" at me

@Anxiety.Tubbo.Depression he was barking at someone outside so i tried to tell him to come upstairs
@TinyGoat lol, that's happened before probably
@TinyGoat lol, that's happened before probably
on July 13, 2022
on July 13, 2022