i totally reccommend the game "Sticky Business" on steam. It's about owning a sticker shop but it's in demo right now
on June 29, 2023

on June 27, 2023

on June 19, 2023

The domestic silk moth is a species of silk moths that has as in it's name, been domesticated. It cannot reproduce or provide silk without the human hand. The domestic silk moth has no mouth so cannot eat, and cannot fly. Silkworms, however, can eat. The domestic silk moth is found in europe, asia, and south america. They are mostly up in the afternoon/evening. Silkworms are found in mulberry leaves, their mainf ood source. I'm gonna repeat some things here but; The silk moth See More can be found in many places, commonly found in Asia, Africa, and South America. More specific places include: India, northern China, Korea, Japan, and far eastern Russia. Silk moths are a domesticated species, who live man-made habitats nowadays. When they were a wild species, they could be found on mulberry trees and in habitats where mulberry was common. They prefer temperatures between 18C and 25C. They prefer wooded area. silkworms are used for medications, protections, etc. Silk moths are not predators to any other animals, but eat plants. Many different species eat moths, however. This includes: birds, bats, lizards, rodents, skunks, and bears. Humans can greatly rely on silkworms/silk moths for medicine Silkworms eat mulberry leaves or Osage Orange leaves. However, when the silkworm transforms into a silk moth, they do not eat because they have no working mouthparts. Silk moths are no longer able to live without humans. They are a domesticated species without the ability to fly. Silk moths can only reproduce with human help, and silk is taken by humans. The origin of the domestic silk moth is enigmatic. It has been suggested that it is the survivor of an extinct species which diverged from the ancestors of Bombyx mandarina millions of years ago. The silk moth is the only insect capable of producing the extremely fine silk thread that is essential in the manufacture of fine clothing. The silk moth is important to the textile industry in China and its survival is critical to our industry. There are 500 species of silk moths.
on June 18, 2023

The domestic silk moth is a species of silk moths that has as in it's name, been domesticated. It cannot reproduce or provide silk without the human hand. The domestic silk moth has no mouth so cannot eat, and cannot fly. Silkworms, however, can eat. The domestic silk moth is found in europe, asia, and south america. They are mostly up in the afternoon/evening.
on June 18, 2023