Funtime Bendy
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Faith:*sits a foot away from the group alone and sighs*
on May 16, 2019

This picture is my favorite because... They are celebrating my birthday that is coming up in August 1st, 2018!!!!!!!! But that's when I won't be on... I'm using a school computer... so I'm not going to be on through the summer... sorry but maybe i'll get my OWN computer for my birthday...FINGERS CROSSED!!!!!!!!!
Me and Alice: *cross our fingers*
Boris and Bendy: See More *crosses fingers while dabbing*
All of Us: *Laugh and giggle*
Me: *Kisses Bendy* You and Boris are so Funny!!!!!
Bendy: *Kisses back* Thank you Sweetheart...
Boris: Thanks!!!!!
Me and Alice: *cross our fingers*
Boris and Bendy: See More *crosses fingers while dabbing*
All of Us: *Laugh and giggle*
Me: *Kisses Bendy* You and Boris are so Funny!!!!!
Bendy: *Kisses back* Thank you Sweetheart...
Boris: Thanks!!!!!
on February 21, 2018