Funnywarrior25's Polls - Page 2
Funnywarrior25 published 120 polls
Am I awesome my friend told me I am not so I guess he is not my friend ?
Should they put games on qfeast like they do on Facecook (Example Farmville)
Anyone seen the Anime Dog Days ?
Which Farmville ?
Who dislikes Adverts ?
Do you think qfeast is full of qfeasters mainly during the weekend and holidays ?
Who plays Agar.IO?
Since you ever got qfeast have u been using it more than any other social media's u have ?
Who checks there news feed on qfeast ?
Who uses the website Kiss to watch there Anime and Cartoon also reads manga on ?
Do you just dislike auto correct on your Technology?
Should I watch Vocaloid ?
Who likes writing stories?
Is Qfeast your only Social Media website?
Who goes on qfeast a lot ?
Who watches Mighty Med ?
Anyone seen one punch man (Anime) ?