Leat the Cat
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Comments (16)

XDDD Omg! Best. Photo. EVA!!!! XD

on April 26, 2015
on April 26, 2015

on February 18, 2015

Rose:sorry cous! But this is what you get for posting that picture of me and leat
on November 29, 2014

WTF I'm not THAT crazy for him!
on November 28, 2014

where is meee!

I don't even know you that well yet ^.^U Besides, I put the girls in order of when I met them.
Amy, Saph, Jackie, Yami, and Red
Amy, Saph, Jackie, Yami, and Red
on November 28, 2014
on November 28, 2014

I saw the base and couldn't help it XD Sorry.

Also, I just realized that Red is the only one there that isn't a hedgehog O_O
on November 28, 2014
on November 28, 2014