That awkward moment when you tell someone you want to be a singer when you grow up and they tell you to sing.
(Did i mention in PUBLIC)
(Did i mention in PUBLIC)

on June 11, 2014
on June 11, 2014

That awkward moment when you're sitting with your family with your computer and the headphones pop out and at that very moment whatever you're listening to said a bad word...
on June 11, 2014

That awkward moment when YOU are the one who breaks the awkward silence.

Actuall;y, I do this on purpose (im a horror gamer on youtube, and when I do collabs, I can make people who are fighting start laughing by screaming or doing something random)
on June 15, 2014
on June 11, 2014

That awkward moment when your friend opens a book that you colored all over the pages when you were younger.

on June 12, 2014
on June 11, 2014

That awkward moment when you tell joke that COMPLETELY falls flat.
:"> happens too often to me...
:"> happens too often to me...
on June 11, 2014

Friendly_Neighborhood_Homestuck_Trash has become a member of the page

Awkward Moments
on June 11, 2014

tanks 4 following me :D
on June 10, 2014

I seriously don't understand these new comments. What hppend to replying? they aren't in the saame order whicrh confuses me...
on June 10, 2014

on June 10, 2014

Thanks for following me!
on June 10, 2014

Friendly_Neighborhood_Homestuck_Trash created a poll

Which Puella Magi Madoka Magica Girl is Your favorite?
on June 09, 2014


Nothing really, just posting more pictures of twilight on my twilight sparkle page. :D
on June 08, 2014
on June 08, 2014

MLP FIM - How Twilight REALLY Got Her Wings
This is the TRUE story of how twilight got her wings! ENJOY!! All my videos are meant for younger bronies, So please no hateful comments are you will be bloc...
on June 08, 2014

Hot Minute: My Little Pony's Twilight Sparkle
We returned to Ponyville to catch up with Twilight Sparkle. My Little Pony merch: http://shout.lt/hb9z
on June 08, 2014

I have a page about TURTLES!!!!!!!!
on June 08, 2014

I just changed my Qfeast username. My old username was HollyMoon
on May 31, 2014