The thing I searched most on Google is game grumps.
Honestly not surprised.
Honestly not surprised.

Mine is Homestuck. q:
on May 11, 2015
on May 11, 2015

chromebook y u no caps lock?

Sounds a lot better than no spacebar, no a, v, j, g, f, and t key.
on May 10, 2015
on May 10, 2015

Hey! I'm back!
on May 09, 2015

FOXY! Ur my favorite fnaf anamatronic btw
on April 12, 2015

Puella Magi Madoka Magica Bloopers (Otakon 2012)
I am feeling really down today and so i saw this and it made me laugh so much i thought id upload it and maybe its help cheer someone else up its really funn...
on March 31, 2015

My friend found a rice ball at the grocery store today, and I screamed "IT'S A JELLY FILLED DONUT!"
Yep. Only the real otakus/gamers will get that one.
Yep. Only the real otakus/gamers will get that one.
on March 24, 2015

Best. Thing. Ever.

The Five Nights at Freddy's Song
For your listening pleasure- '5 Nights at Freddy’s' written with Markiplier from your Twitter suggestions with #SongBiscuits!!! Listen to Markiplier’s “Ear B...

on March 24, 2015
on March 24, 2015

1 like: pepsi OR Coke? : Coke
2 likes: cake OR Ice cream? : ICE CREAM
3 likes: Apples OR Oranges? : Appuls
4 likes: Converse OR Vans? : Converse
5 likes: beanies OR Bows? : Neither really...
6 likes: tigers OR Lions? : Tigers
7 likes: Pop OR Juice? : Juice See More
8 likes: facebook OR Quottev? : I don't have either.
9 likes: Narwhal's OR Blue whale's? : NARWHALS NARWHAL SWIMMIN IN TEH OCEAN.
10 likes: Sneaker's OR Heels? : Sneakers
11 likes: Dresses OR Shorts? :
12 likes: invisibility OR Telepathy? :
13 likes: Boy's OR Girl's? :
14 likes: Nutella OR Peanut Butter? :
15 likes: Love OR Wealth? :
16 likes: angel's OR Demon's? :
17 likes: Blind OR Deaf? :
18 likes: T.V OR Movie's? :
19 likes: Tea OR Coffee? :
20 likes: Summer OR Winter? :
21 likes: spring OR Fall? :
22 likes: peace OR War? :
23 likes: Reality OR Dreams? :
24 likes: ocean's OR River's? :
25 likes: cat's OR Dog's? :
Reposst if you want
2 likes: cake OR Ice cream? : ICE CREAM
3 likes: Apples OR Oranges? : Appuls
4 likes: Converse OR Vans? : Converse
5 likes: beanies OR Bows? : Neither really...
6 likes: tigers OR Lions? : Tigers
7 likes: Pop OR Juice? : Juice See More
8 likes: facebook OR Quottev? : I don't have either.
9 likes: Narwhal's OR Blue whale's? : NARWHALS NARWHAL SWIMMIN IN TEH OCEAN.
10 likes: Sneaker's OR Heels? : Sneakers
11 likes: Dresses OR Shorts? :
12 likes: invisibility OR Telepathy? :
13 likes: Boy's OR Girl's? :
14 likes: Nutella OR Peanut Butter? :
15 likes: Love OR Wealth? :
16 likes: angel's OR Demon's? :
17 likes: Blind OR Deaf? :
18 likes: T.V OR Movie's? :
19 likes: Tea OR Coffee? :
20 likes: Summer OR Winter? :
21 likes: spring OR Fall? :
22 likes: peace OR War? :
23 likes: Reality OR Dreams? :
24 likes: ocean's OR River's? :
25 likes: cat's OR Dog's? :
Reposst if you want
on March 22, 2015

Home alone till 12:00.
What to destroy. What to destroy...
What to destroy. What to destroy...
on March 22, 2015

I officially dub gym class....
The Derp Olympics!
The Derp Olympics!
on March 21, 2015

on March 21, 2015

I can spell chrysanthemum WITHOUT AUTO-CORRECT.
Now that's what I call talent.
Now that's what I call talent.
on April 10, 2015

What about pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis?
Or antidisestablishmentarianism?
Or antidisestablishmentarianism?
on April 06, 2015
on March 19, 2015
on March 19, 2015

That moment when the school bus skips your stop...on the way home.
Looks like I'll be here for a while...
Looks like I'll be here for a while...
on March 19, 2015