on January 27, 2016

Fandomtrash156 added a poll to the starred list

Would you rather have unlimited movies video games or books?
on January 27, 2016

on January 26, 2016

I love attack on Titan, sailor moon, black butler,fairy tail, death note, Souleater, and other amines! You can also follow me on Twitter;
on January 25, 2016

Fandomtrash156 added a poll to the starred list

What mythical creature do u like the best?
on January 25, 2016

Fandomtrash156 added a poll to the starred list

STAR WARS which side do you choose?
on January 25, 2016

I love Hetalia! I am told I am the lovable Spain! I love anime and of course TOMATOES!??????
on January 25, 2016

on January 25, 2016