tristan (formerly known as derpy)
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Comments (39)

Thank you!!!

You're welcome!
on April 23, 2015
on April 22, 2015

That's looks so much like Lucy! Good job! :D
on April 21, 2015

Cool!!! *O*

I guess it's alright for someone whose never watched Fairy Tail, right? :3

Ah, actually you DON'T post it on the page. Instead, go to the page corner that has the 3 lines, click "Ask me anything" and THEN send your ask.
As for your account, first go to the original Tumblr site- www.tumblr.com
As for your account, first go to the original Tumblr site- www.tumblr.com
on April 23, 2015

I can always make a Tumblr account though! And if you could explain it to me just a little, I'll probably be able to ask something!
on April 22, 2015

The only problem is...
I don't have a Tumblr account nor do I have any idea how to work it...
I don't have a Tumblr account nor do I have any idea how to work it...
on April 22, 2015

on April 22, 2015

All you really need to know is that Rush's hair looks like this: http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/6c/42/18/6c4218cd28fd6c0724338af69d6445df.jpg
He's freakishly tall.
And he wears a pink t-shirt and black jeans.
He's freakishly tall.
And he wears a pink t-shirt and black jeans.
on April 21, 2015

on April 21, 2015

on April 21, 2015

on April 21, 2015

Oh, did you think I was talking about you when I said that? No, I'm sure you've watched Fairy Tail! Sorry about that. XD
The ponytail is on the wrong side of the head, but thanks! (Being a perfectionist hurts sometimes. XD)
The ponytail is on the wrong side of the head, but thanks! (Being a perfectionist hurts sometimes. XD)
on April 21, 2015
on April 21, 2015
on April 21, 2015