tristan (formerly known as derpy)
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Comments (3)

What?! No one is a nobody or they wouldn't be somebody. If you aren't somebody, then how are you here on this Earth today? No one is ever a nobody. Some people don't have many feelings, but they're hidden deep within. Don't feel bad about yourself and don't let others make you feel bad. You are a somebody and I have proved it for you! If you still don't believe See More me, then maybe you might need some help to get through this tough world. I know I'm no where near getting through anything, but I also know how to help. If you need anything, ask. If I can't think of anything to help you, then I'm SO sorry. But... Remember that no one is no one. (I've posted this twice.)
on May 17, 2014

No one judges me...I'm not in middle school yet. But I know lots of people like to judge others and think it's funny. It's not funny to make people feel worthless. I know people will judge me for my randomness and weirdness. I like being weird and random. It's fun! But there's two types of weird. Mine, and the one people get made fun of for. Walking in someone See More else's shoes is the hardest thing for others to do. It's really hard to control your words, I know. But you need to try...
on February 25, 2014