Ich bin eine Frau und sie habe Apfel guess what this says ?

@damien yes bravo
on October 19, 2020

I am a woman and i have apple?
on October 18, 2020

I messed up on the sentence it’s supposed to be Ich bin eine Frau und ich habe Apfel
on October 18, 2020
on October 18, 2020

on October 18, 2020

on October 18, 2020

Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Oh damn I just guessed ? but I knew 1 song
Oh damn I just guessed ? but I knew 1 song
on October 18, 2020

on October 18, 2020

Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Ha you got that right offenderman I am amazing
Ha you got that right offenderman I am amazing
on October 18, 2020

on October 18, 2020

on October 17, 2020

Look at my quiz results! What about you?
Oof I just missed one
Oof I just missed one
on October 17, 2020

Gn ppl
on October 17, 2020

Is it weird that my cat is named Jeffrey and I call him Jeff
on October 17, 2020