on October 21, 2020

Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Mmmm yup
Mmmm yup
on October 21, 2020

Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Mwahahaha here’s my catchphrase I just came up with: you broke my heart now I tear yours
It makes no sense but it’s a catchphrase it doesn’t have to make sense
Mwahahaha here’s my catchphrase I just came up with: you broke my heart now I tear yours
It makes no sense but it’s a catchphrase it doesn’t have to make sense
on October 21, 2020

on October 21, 2020

on October 21, 2020

on October 21, 2020

Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Hmmmm I need to find all the Alex’s in the world that are guys not girls (sry girls)
Hmmmm I need to find all the Alex’s in the world that are guys not girls (sry girls)
on October 21, 2020

on October 21, 2020

Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Awww no I’m sorry Draco
Awww no I’m sorry Draco
on October 21, 2020

Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Yup I do make dirty jokes this is so true
Yup I do make dirty jokes this is so true
on October 21, 2020

on October 21, 2020

My grandma is so mean I was watching a k-drama and their were fun shots and I thought the main person died and I started crying my eyes out they started burning and my grandma said,”Ok crybaby it’s time to go to bed.” Bish I’m crying cause it’s sad cause unlike you I have a heart
on October 21, 2020

Look what personality I've got! What about you?
But then they think I’m obsessed with them so why try hard
But then they think I’m obsessed with them so why try hard
on October 21, 2020