Your (metaphorical) Big Sister
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Comments (11)

I already posted it :)

Cool :3
on September 16, 2014
on September 16, 2014

*sniffle* These pics always get to me...has anyone read "A Child Called It."? I highly recommend it...

There is a book ( technically a girls diary ) called "Go Ask Alice" the main character is a girl who did drugs
on September 16, 2014

I heard of it and someone told me it was REALLY depressing

It is somewhat, but it's a major eye-opener. So many tears when I read it, but it really makes you think about the things happening around you. It makes you second guess yourself when you criticize someone...what are they really going through you know...Anywho, I fully recommend it, I warn that it will probably make you cry because I know at parts I bawled like See More a baby and had to stop because I couldn't read anymore...but it's a true story, and it happens everyday...
on September 16, 2014
on September 16, 2014
on September 16, 2014