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What High School Stereotype Are You?
on August 18, 2019

Devil_Potato added a question to the starred list
What is your favorite drink? Answers i need them
on August 18, 2019

Devil_Potato added a photo to the starred list
mitch on the left, sabian on the right, they both from Alpha Wolf

on August 17, 2019

Devil_Potato added a photo to the starred list
tim henson from polyphia on top and then my friend in the bottom, don't question the random eye

on August 17, 2019

ineed trerible help
preferrably someone im close to
or someone who rememberswhena social workwe came
im sowrry for the terrible typing i ant typw right im shaking and dont fel like fixing it.
this is no joke
itsnotfor attention See More
preferrably someone im close to
or someone who rememberswhena social workwe came
im sowrry for the terrible typing i ant typw right im shaking and dont fel like fixing it.
this is no joke
itsnotfor attention See More

on August 17, 2019

on August 17, 2019

thank you @Aureospace
yea i like it here
the problem is
i want to stay
they want me to stay See More
but my parents wont like that
im 14 so theyll havevall the excuses.
yea i like it here
the problem is
i want to stay
they want me to stay See More
but my parents wont like that
im 14 so theyll havevall the excuses.
on August 17, 2019

ok let me tell you my life story so you understand.
my mom left me when i was an infant and never came back she came back to late like i was 5 at my grandmothers house( whomst i call her mother so you know the difference) so the last time she visited was in the fourth grade ima a freshman now so yea she always told me she would bring me presents and be there See More for my bday. but she hasnt been to one, hasnt came since i was 8. sooo dont believe anything she says anymore. ok so keep in mind, my grandma doesnt have custody of me, ok so and yknow as i grew things got bad i was being hit for no reason punished for stupid things being verbally abused. so then, back to the present, i toldasocialworker. so visits have been they took me away on thursday and put me in a foster home. @Aureospace @Meilleur
my mom left me when i was an infant and never came back she came back to late like i was 5 at my grandmothers house( whomst i call her mother so you know the difference) so the last time she visited was in the fourth grade ima a freshman now so yea she always told me she would bring me presents and be there See More for my bday. but she hasnt been to one, hasnt came since i was 8. sooo dont believe anything she says anymore. ok so keep in mind, my grandma doesnt have custody of me, ok so and yknow as i grew things got bad i was being hit for no reason punished for stupid things being verbally abused. so then, back to the present, i toldasocialworker. so visits have been they took me away on thursday and put me in a foster home. @Aureospace @Meilleur
on August 17, 2019
on August 17, 2019