Name: Cass Falax
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Species: Human
Abilities: Can make anyone or thing do anything with a single glance and a thought.
Weapon of Choice: Her mind.
Backstory: She wasn't happy and was always mad or annoyed. And sometimes when she was a kid ( 10 to be exact) she would make people do...tjings to themselves or make there heads explode. One day, she exploded am teachers head with a single glance. Soon, she was, Brought here. See More
Image or Description: pic
Family: her older brother, her older sister, and her older older sister
Friends: none
Pets: An incredibly tiny white liger ( size of your hand)
Other: Is more calm and is more happy here.
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Species: Human
Abilities: Can make anyone or thing do anything with a single glance and a thought.
Weapon of Choice: Her mind.
Backstory: She wasn't happy and was always mad or annoyed. And sometimes when she was a kid ( 10 to be exact) she would make people do...tjings to themselves or make there heads explode. One day, she exploded am teachers head with a single glance. Soon, she was, Brought here. See More
Image or Description: pic
Family: her older brother, her older sister, and her older older sister
Friends: none
Pets: An incredibly tiny white liger ( size of your hand)
Other: Is more calm and is more happy here.
on May 31, 2016

Great Blue Chick-fil-a Zaxyby's Indians use xylophones
Great Blue Chick-fil-a Zaxyby's Indians use xylophones
on May 16, 2016

Deku_Deku added a photo to the starred list
I'm all THREE not the 4th one...DEFINITLEY NOT THE 4TH ONE!! XD

on April 28, 2016