*eating all your cookies*
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*jumps on and hugs E.J and Jeffy*

NUU!! E.J is mine! *pulls you off* You can have Jeff!

R'ena: Because Jeff is awesome. >3<
I feel like were spamming your photo. Maybe we could continue in PM...?
I feel like were spamming your photo. Maybe we could continue in PM...?
on November 10, 2015

Jeff: *mouths the words 'Help me'*
Bloody Painter: Um...who are you? And why are you hugging Jeff?
Bloody Painter: Um...who are you? And why are you hugging Jeff?
on November 10, 2015

Jeff: No reasons...
Bloody Painter (Helen Otis): *walks in* O.O Am I interrupting something?
Jeff: No reasons...
Bloody Painter (Helen Otis): *walks in* O.O Am I interrupting something?
on November 10, 2015

Jeff: *sighs* FINE. I give up...
Slenderman: *shakes his head* I'll be in my room. Don't cause any trouble, Jeffery.
Jeff: Yes, Slenderman...
Toxin: I'll be in the gaming room with BEN and Lost Silver.
Slenderman: *shakes his head* I'll be in my room. Don't cause any trouble, Jeffery.
Jeff: Yes, Slenderman...
Toxin: I'll be in the gaming room with BEN and Lost Silver.
on November 10, 2015

Jeff: Hug me again, I f***ing dare you.
Slenderman: Jeffery. Manners.
Toxin: Heh, welcome to the family R'ena!
Slenderman: Jeffery. Manners.
Toxin: Heh, welcome to the family R'ena!
on November 10, 2015

on November 10, 2015

Jeff: *tries to pull her off* Dammit woman! Do you have super strength or something?
Slenderman: Might I ask your name? *looks at @Rustpaw *
Toxin: *waits for her answer*
Slenderman: Might I ask your name? *looks at @Rustpaw *
Toxin: *waits for her answer*
on November 10, 2015

Slenderman: As long as she tells NO ONE about the Slendermansion, she can stay here as long as she wants.
Jeff: WHAT?!
Toxin: Yay! :3
Jeff: WHAT?!
Toxin: Yay! :3
on November 10, 2015

Slenderman: I don't see the problem.
Jeff: She's. Hugging. Me. I understand I'm beautiful but this is too much.
Toxin: Keep hugging @Rustpaw ! Jeff likes it!
Jeff: She's. Hugging. Me. I understand I'm beautiful but this is too much.
Toxin: Keep hugging @Rustpaw ! Jeff likes it!
on November 10, 2015

Slenderman: What's going on here?
Jeff: *points to @Rustpaw *
Toxin: *still laughing*
Jeff: *points to @Rustpaw *
Toxin: *still laughing*
on November 10, 2015

on November 10, 2015
on November 10, 2015
on November 10, 2015

*politely does not jump on any of them but takes Masky's mask*
on November 10, 2015

*jumps on and hugs Jeffy*
on November 10, 2015
Lucy: *sitting at a branch, smiling.*
Shadow: *playing with her on the trees, smiling.* *frowns when another demon screech was heard.* Oh no, not him . . .
Lucy: *whimpers, hugging Shadow.* Why won't he go away? . . .
Shadow: *tosses Lucy to Jenna.* See More
Jenna: *catches Lucy, hugging her close.*
Shadow: Go now!
Toxin: He's not serious, I think. My name is Toxin. Nice to meet you!
Lucy: Can you please tell me what it is now?
Jenna: I don't think your ready to know yet, Lucy. *sets her down, then looks calmly at Jeff and Toxin.* Name is Jenna by the way.
Toxin: Stop cursing so much.
Lucy: Your back! ^_^
Jenna: I missed you.
Lucy: ^_^
Shadow: *follows after, walking.*
Toxin: *looks around the mansion*
Lucy: Jenna is here! *smiles, happy.*
Toxin: Where are you two going?
Shadow: Better hurry, or my master is going to kill me for you maybe found dead.
Lucy: *nods, letting go.* *gives a nice knife to him.* For being nice.
- See More
Lucy: One more hug? Pwease. *gives a cute face, begging at him.*
Toxin: YES!!
Shadow: Uh . . .
Toxin: *whispers* You can hug him all you want. He loves it :D
Lucy: *smiles.* *teeth goes sharp and eyes glow red.*
Shadow: *smiles at her.* My little killer sis.
Toxin: Someone has fangirls!
Lucy: :3