How many time are you guys going to starred my photos that I post?

on October 11, 2017

always they mostly apply to my life...sooooo
on October 10, 2017
on October 10, 2017

My day wen't from good to bad less then 30 sec

I can't do anything. 6 years. I've been after him. And then he was gone. He don't want me, so I have to try to pretend I don't care.
on October 10, 2017

That happened to me lat wednesday. Me and my boyfi had been together 1 week, Then he dumped me
on October 10, 2017

on October 10, 2017
on October 10, 2017

Darkwolves asked a question

Will you stay with you'er gf/bf if there in a commas?
on October 09, 2017