Oh I also forked out like, 200 bucks on yakuza prints, all bar 2 (also got a kiryu and a nishitani) were majima-
I am a SIMP
I am a SIMP
on October 09, 2021

I like, finally hit shinadas part of yakuza 5 and I completely understand the dog boi memes now
He is our little woof woof
He is our little woof woof
on October 09, 2021

Yoooo, guess who's 19 now ÙwÚ
on September 12, 2021

Can't wait to wear my ears and tail with my "mom against catboys" shirt
on August 30, 2021

Who are you?

Damien, before this I was ObsidianScars but in the oooold days I was FullmetalSoulButler haha
on August 30, 2021
on August 29, 2021

I 100% accept degradation kink daigo headcannon (stolen)

on August 18, 2021

on August 17, 2021

I'm not very happy with this but anyway, have some art of the boi

on August 17, 2021