Thanks for favoriting under the moonlight, it means a lot

on August 04, 2014
on August 04, 2014

Rp on the mythical creatures page (new one)
on August 03, 2014

(New rp)
Autumn: -crouched in a tree with a arrow nocked on long bow aiming at a group of raiders talking about future plans and what to do with their current treasure- ..-gets a feeling that the shot is right and true and the arrow goes flying through the air straight at a spot on the knee- one..-nocks another arrow with lightning speed hitting the other member- Two down..six to go.,
Autumn: -crouched in a tree with a arrow nocked on long bow aiming at a group of raiders talking about future plans and what to do with their current treasure- ..-gets a feeling that the shot is right and true and the arrow goes flying through the air straight at a spot on the knee- one..-nocks another arrow with lightning speed hitting the other member- Two down..six to go.,

on August 06, 2014

Darren:-looking at Katerina when she isnt looking-
Autumn: -shoots a arrow so it whizzes past him before we reach the place- Dont even try,now go fetch my arrow.
Dareen: O-ok! -gets arrow and returns-
Autumn: -shoots a arrow so it whizzes past him before we reach the place- Dont even try,now go fetch my arrow.
Dareen: O-ok! -gets arrow and returns-
on August 06, 2014
on August 03, 2014

Thanks for following ^.^ and brb.
on August 03, 2014

Tael, Cerise,Stealth and Arym.meet me on the 'palace roof '
@JackieTheHedgehog and @FrostGoddess
@JackieTheHedgehog and @FrostGoddess
on August 02, 2014

Could you please make one of Crimson and Dusk?
on August 02, 2014

Are you still on?
on August 01, 2014

Name: Autumn Woods
Age: Err..
Species: Elf
Personality: Mysterious, quiet
Looks: Shes a elven ranger that has long dark black hair, and forest green eyes. She wears a green and brown mottled cloak that helps her blend in oerfectly with the backround. Autumn ALWAYS carries a long bow and quiver with 24 arrows. Under the cowl of her closk her face is shadowed normally.Under the cloak she has a leather tunic with leather jeans.She also has a double scabbard for a saxe knife and a See More smaller knife. Autumn always wears a silver oakleaf amulet which shows she is a ranger.
Likes: Archery, etc
Dislikes: Crowded places and tons of people
Other: She is one of the best at moving unseen, climbing trees, archery, sneaking around etc as she is a elven ranger.
Other 2: She has a black tall stallion who is well trained and named Shadow
Other 3: her first priority is to the royalty as she took a oath about it.If she breaks that oath then she will be removed of a ranger,
Other 4: rangers are like a elite force of archers except they dont shoot in groups.The Ranger corps were created to solve problems while royalty can work on bigger matters,Autumn is one of the best rangers, all rangers are respected at least a bit as their status is well known..
Age: Err..
Species: Elf
Personality: Mysterious, quiet
Looks: Shes a elven ranger that has long dark black hair, and forest green eyes. She wears a green and brown mottled cloak that helps her blend in oerfectly with the backround. Autumn ALWAYS carries a long bow and quiver with 24 arrows. Under the cowl of her closk her face is shadowed normally.Under the cloak she has a leather tunic with leather jeans.She also has a double scabbard for a saxe knife and a See More smaller knife. Autumn always wears a silver oakleaf amulet which shows she is a ranger.
Likes: Archery, etc
Dislikes: Crowded places and tons of people
Other: She is one of the best at moving unseen, climbing trees, archery, sneaking around etc as she is a elven ranger.
Other 2: She has a black tall stallion who is well trained and named Shadow
Other 3: her first priority is to the royalty as she took a oath about it.If she breaks that oath then she will be removed of a ranger,
Other 4: rangers are like a elite force of archers except they dont shoot in groups.The Ranger corps were created to solve problems while royalty can work on bigger matters,Autumn is one of the best rangers, all rangers are respected at least a bit as their status is well known..

Maybe she would, She prefers not to be around crowded places but she wouldn't commit suicide.
on August 03, 2014
on August 01, 2014

-in the blood dimension-
Kuri:-sitting on top of the palaces roof lost in thought- (brb)
Kuri:-sitting on top of the palaces roof lost in thought- (brb)

Stealth: Well, firstly you. Are you Cerise?
Cerise: Y...yes.... but... how do you know me?
Cerise: Y...yes.... but... how do you know me?
on August 01, 2014

Stealth: Are you Cerise?
Cerise: *eyes widen* You're really starting to scare me, whoever you are...
Cerise: *eyes widen* You're really starting to scare me, whoever you are...
on August 01, 2014
on August 01, 2014

Rp time!
Heres my anti.
Name: Kurimuzon
Nickname: Kuri
From: Blood dimension
Species: Full demon
Anti of: Crimson the hedgehog (well..demon spactually but she appears a hedgehog) See More
Look: the same as Crimson except void black eyes with just red slits as pupils, black shadowy wings and her hands are more claw like then hands.
Strength: Twice the strength of Crimson in her full demon form when shes just normal so VERY Strong.
Basic info..
Heres my anti.
Name: Kurimuzon
Nickname: Kuri
From: Blood dimension
Species: Full demon
Anti of: Crimson the hedgehog (well..demon spactually but she appears a hedgehog) See More
Look: the same as Crimson except void black eyes with just red slits as pupils, black shadowy wings and her hands are more claw like then hands.
Strength: Twice the strength of Crimson in her full demon form when shes just normal so VERY Strong.
Basic info..

Oh and though she currently resides in the blood dimension she does not see Stealth as a ruling figure but she has a respect for her
on August 01, 2014
on August 01, 2014


i probs wont b online 4 long coz mum is asleep and i am on my laptop but i'm not REALLY allowed 2 be...
on July 27, 2014
on July 27, 2014