Crimson16 added a photo to the starred list
on August 14, 2017
It is easy to desire to be good, to progress, to change, but it only happens when we apply and actually do the work necessary for the desired change. Wishful thinking never made anyone rich, beautiful, or happy. Only honest accomplishment does that.
on August 14, 2017
Crimson16 uploaded a photo
on August 14, 2017
Crimson16 added a photo to the starred list
on August 14, 2017
Crimson16 added a photo to the starred list
on August 14, 2017
Night friends, I'm heading off to bed
on August 14, 2017
on August 14, 2017
on August 14, 2017
created a
You're the princess to ___ country
on August 13, 2017
My 7-year-old cousin,Ethan is here and he is being a picky, annoying brat as always
on August 13, 2017
Crimson16 uploaded a photo
on August 13, 2017
Yay I'm not feeling as lonely anymore thanks to my new friend
on August 13, 2017
on August 13, 2017
on August 13, 2017
on August 13, 2017
on August 13, 2017
on August 13, 2017
Crimson16 uploaded a photo
on August 13, 2017
Where is everybody?
on August 12, 2017
on August 12, 2017
on August 12, 2017
Crimson16 created a poll
Are we friends or acquaintances?
on August 12, 2017
Crimson16 added a photo to the starred list
on August 08, 2017