on August 31, 2017

I've probably never wanted to die more than I do now
I just feel so done with like everything????
I just feel so done with like everything????
on August 31, 2017

on August 31, 2017

I figured out a sort of okay-ish plot???
I may make the page tomorrow when I have time,
I may make the page tomorrow when I have time,
on August 30, 2017

i sometimes think id be better off dead

Mm,S'all right
You seem pretty cool as well,
now that I've sorta calmed down a bit I realized this starter post is really irrational oops,I'm really sorry if I worried you all-
You seem pretty cool as well,
now that I've sorta calmed down a bit I realized this starter post is really irrational oops,I'm really sorry if I worried you all-
on August 27, 2017

I don't really know you, but
You really wouldn't
You seem like an amazing person, and someone I'd get along with well. You're creative, and seem to be really nice.
And you have a lot of potential, I can tell. And you seem awesome
I can't word today so it sounds terrible, sorry See More
But you seem like an amazing person.
You really wouldn't
You seem like an amazing person, and someone I'd get along with well. You're creative, and seem to be really nice.
And you have a lot of potential, I can tell. And you seem awesome
I can't word today so it sounds terrible, sorry See More
But you seem like an amazing person.
on August 27, 2017

It's good for you as well
Things could get better
if you let them
if you pushed them in that way
Things could get better
if you let them
if you pushed them in that way
on August 27, 2017
on August 27, 2017

imm unimportant to anyone according to my half-sister
lmao I've always been,no need to remind me
lmao I've always been,no need to remind me

You're alive with people who love and care about you and that's enough to be important
on August 26, 2017
on August 26, 2017

trying to set up a stream is difficult rip me

on August 26, 2017
on August 26, 2017

i feel like monty should be a siamese but mmm,i don't know for sure tbh
cat breed suggestions anyone?
cat breed suggestions anyone?
on August 26, 2017

oh damn
I wrote some more shit for my story
The hybrid let out a mix between a canine's growl and a feline's hiss,lunging at the black tabby in front of him. He had to get that amulet. He wouldn't let anyone take it from him,it was like a voice that only he could hear,calling him to it. His sharp teeth tore into the tabby's throat,the taste of blood satisfied him a bit and his ears flattened,blocking out the horrible sound of the poor cat screeching. The tabby's claws dug into See More his shoulder and his hind legs kicked at his stomach,almost encouraging basil to let go. Suddenly the cat jerked once,then lay still in the hybrid's jaws. This cat,that he had murdered,was once he and monty's guide and led them down into the caverns for this amulet,that this cat had stole for itself. Basil let the limp body go,grabbing the amulet that lay next to the body. He fit it around his neck,feeling at peace that he had finally got this relic. He felt a sense of power having it on him,like he could murder again and get away with it. He retreated up to a small boulder,wrapping his tail around his paws. As he settled down,his tufted ears perked up at frantic paw steps and a shrill voice that sounded familiar as they came to a halt.
"M-Monster! You killed him!"
I wrote some more shit for my story
The hybrid let out a mix between a canine's growl and a feline's hiss,lunging at the black tabby in front of him. He had to get that amulet. He wouldn't let anyone take it from him,it was like a voice that only he could hear,calling him to it. His sharp teeth tore into the tabby's throat,the taste of blood satisfied him a bit and his ears flattened,blocking out the horrible sound of the poor cat screeching. The tabby's claws dug into See More his shoulder and his hind legs kicked at his stomach,almost encouraging basil to let go. Suddenly the cat jerked once,then lay still in the hybrid's jaws. This cat,that he had murdered,was once he and monty's guide and led them down into the caverns for this amulet,that this cat had stole for itself. Basil let the limp body go,grabbing the amulet that lay next to the body. He fit it around his neck,feeling at peace that he had finally got this relic. He felt a sense of power having it on him,like he could murder again and get away with it. He retreated up to a small boulder,wrapping his tail around his paws. As he settled down,his tufted ears perked up at frantic paw steps and a shrill voice that sounded familiar as they came to a halt.
"M-Monster! You killed him!"
on August 25, 2017

the worst torture method is waking up everyday,knowing your still alive and not dead yet.
on August 25, 2017

can like
can i die yet
is that a thing i can do
can like
can i die yet
is that a thing i can do
on August 25, 2017