on April 03, 2018

i found this song again YES
for like,,two-three years i've been searching for this song
i found this song again YES
for like,,two-three years i've been searching for this song
on March 30, 2018

on March 30, 2018

on March 27, 2018

big ol rant below, don't click 'See More' if you don't wanna see negative shit lmao
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I cannot begin to say how much I actually hate highschool, most of the time people overhype it and say it's a lot but it's mostly shittier than middle school
my mental health has gone to literal shit, all of the people in highschool are annoying and asshole-ish as fuc'k, and I just
I can barely stay on top of my own schoolwork as it is, and I just half ass literally most of it at this point bc that's the only thing I actually *can* do
I'm rarely ever offered to stay home, but when I am I can't even fuc'king relax when I'm at home bc I know I'll be drowning in schoolwork the next god damn day
I realized the rest of the 3 years in highschool are just gonna be plain shitty at this point and it won't get easier and it's only gonna get worse from here.
there's my rant about me being petty as hell about school
- See More
I cannot begin to say how much I actually hate highschool, most of the time people overhype it and say it's a lot but it's mostly shittier than middle school
my mental health has gone to literal shit, all of the people in highschool are annoying and asshole-ish as fuc'k, and I just
I can barely stay on top of my own schoolwork as it is, and I just half ass literally most of it at this point bc that's the only thing I actually *can* do
I'm rarely ever offered to stay home, but when I am I can't even fuc'king relax when I'm at home bc I know I'll be drowning in schoolwork the next god damn day
I realized the rest of the 3 years in highschool are just gonna be plain shitty at this point and it won't get easier and it's only gonna get worse from here.
there's my rant about me being petty as hell about school

I completely understand
Even with the ‘self-paced’ school I’m going to, I’m stressed as hell
School really does suck but as long as we keep up and get the next years over with we don’t have to look back at it again
College is optional, and if you’re being forced to do college, try it and if you hate it, just drop out
It’s gonna suck but there will be good See More that comes out of it
Stay strong, okay?
Even with the ‘self-paced’ school I’m going to, I’m stressed as hell
School really does suck but as long as we keep up and get the next years over with we don’t have to look back at it again
College is optional, and if you’re being forced to do college, try it and if you hate it, just drop out
It’s gonna suck but there will be good See More that comes out of it
Stay strong, okay?
on March 20, 2018
on March 20, 2018

this sounds edgy as all fuc'k but like listen,,,
no one can hate me as much as i hate myself
no one can hate me as much as i hate myself
on March 17, 2018

tfw you wanna draw but then you feel super shitty so you lay in bed half the morning

on March 17, 2018
on March 17, 2018

you brought back the wolfy nickname
on March 15, 2018