someone else join TAZ hell with me
on August 10, 2018

on August 09, 2018

I started listening to critical role and I’m weeping everyone is a huge mood so far
on August 09, 2018

on August 07, 2018

another dumb thing that I shouldn’t really be this proud of but
i went into Walmart to actually buy shit by myself today and I’ve never felt so accomplished???
i went into Walmart to actually buy shit by myself today and I’ve never felt so accomplished???
on August 06, 2018

I swear these dinos are just upset in general
I’ve had two velociraptors, one ceratosaurus, and two trikes break out within the last hour
I’ve had two velociraptors, one ceratosaurus, and two trikes break out within the last hour
on August 04, 2018

okay let me say housing dracorexes absolutely suck
I had four of them break out at like, the same time?? it was terrible
I had four of them break out at like, the same time?? it was terrible
on August 04, 2018

on August 04, 2018

laying in bed and thinking about everything that you fúcked up in the past is fun
on August 02, 2018

why am I crying over final space again
on August 01, 2018

also garycato is?? so fúcking good, listen
on August 01, 2018

Im super tempted to draw some of the creatures that were shown off in the arena in the third final space episode
I really liked how that scorpion-like creature looked acK
I really liked how that scorpion-like creature looked acK
on August 01, 2018

everything I’ve drawn today just looks bad and i want to yell

I read that that's your brain trying to tell you to practice other things? Maybe go ref hunting for a bit and see what you can recreate :00
on August 01, 2018
on August 01, 2018

everything is exhausting at this point and i don't know what to do anymore
on July 31, 2018

on July 31, 2018