ChocolerryPOP's Polls - Page 3
ChocolerryPOP published 420 polls

What kinds of animation filmmakers should eye use?
What kind of animal should my new oc be?

Who's side of the story do you want to know about in Lurking Nightmares?

Who do you THINK did the bite of 87?

Which is your favorite FNAF 3 song out of these?

Which is your favorite FNAF 2 song out of these?

Which is your favorite FNAF 1 song out of these?

Which drawing design is better old or new?

Ever had the feeling you were being watched?

What next story sounds better?

What other characters should I put in my fnaf series?

Do you sometimes have weird visions of occurring events in reality?

Would you think it's wrong for someone to be really attached to their favorite fandom?

After the animatronics die in LN should they become phantoms or shadows?

Best Lurking Nightmares ship?

Savages or Nightmares- who seems far more scary?

What's a good ship name for Bonnie x Ellie?

Which is a better way to create animatronic children?

Which artwork looks improved?