It seems like everything I make turns to profile -_-

on August 04, 2015

I know. Get used to it. He does it to my pages all the time. Don't let that ruin your time.
on August 04, 2015
on August 04, 2015

Cassandra_the_Hedgehog asked a question
Why does Qfeast always make my " hedgehog" stuff profile? They say that it is a cartoon...
on August 04, 2015

Cassandra_the_Hedgehog asked a question
Do you like music? If you do then tell me your favorite song and who is it by
on August 04, 2015

Dang, I have 55 notifications and this is my 2nd day on qfeasters! 0u0
on August 04, 2015

Heya welcome to qfeast!!im Tara!hope ya enjoy Qfeast!!
on August 04, 2015

Welcome to qfeast, when I followed you I didn't recognize your new XD btw your profile pic is rad
on August 04, 2015

Hi! Welcome to Qfeast!
on August 04, 2015
hey! Welcome to Qfeast! :D I will be your Friend
on August 04, 2015
on August 04, 2015

Woof! I'm Wolfie the Qfeast pet! Welcome to Qfeast!

Oh yeah, if she says
"Btw this is @Cassandra_the_Hedgehog"
Ignore her. She is trying to turn as many people away from popular Qfeasters as possible.
So I'm warning you now. Let me know if she comment rude things on your quizzes or something.
Oh yeah, if she says
"Btw this is @Cassandra_the_Hedgehog"
Ignore her. She is trying to turn as many people away from popular Qfeasters as possible.
So I'm warning you now. Let me know if she comment rude things on your quizzes or something.
on August 04, 2015

Though there is a imposter of me...
Anyways, heres your first friend when you need one.
Though there is a imposter of me...
Anyways, heres your first friend when you need one.
on August 04, 2015
on August 04, 2015

Hi I am new here and I need some friends :)

on August 04, 2015
on August 03, 2015

Cassandra_the_Hedgehog asked a question
What's your favorite song by Katy Perry? Mine is Roar (don't judge me)
on August 03, 2015

on August 03, 2015

on August 03, 2015
Sonic: good! So am I
Willow; *watches*