on December 06, 2016

on December 06, 2016

CaptainBandwidth created a poll

What's Your Favorite on "I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love?"
on December 06, 2016

created a

How Well do You Know the Lyrics to "Blood?"
on December 04, 2016

(Girls only)
3+ likes and I'll tell:
1. First kiss:
2. Bra size:
3. When did you first get your period:
4. Favorite quote:
5. Your idol: See More
6. One dream/aspiration you'll try to pursue for life:
7. Dream date:
8. Do you like window shopping:
9. Favorite movie:
10. Are you dramatic:
11. Which parent are you more like:
12. Are you artistic/creative:
13. Describe your dream house:
14. Your dream car:
15. Thoughts on marriage:
16. Thoughts on having kids:
17. If you had a genie grant you three wishes what would they be:
18. What do you hate most about yourself:
19. What do you love more about yourself:
20. Do you love children or nah:
21. Anything special you've won/earned:
22. Any fictional characters you've fallen for:
23. Can you be a bitch:
24. Would you want a baby boy or girl:
25. Actually have a baby or adopt:
26. Make up or nah:
27. Shave or wax:
28. Were you uncomfortable answering any:
~Stolen ; )~
3+ likes and I'll tell:
1. First kiss:
2. Bra size:
3. When did you first get your period:
4. Favorite quote:
5. Your idol: See More
6. One dream/aspiration you'll try to pursue for life:
7. Dream date:
8. Do you like window shopping:
9. Favorite movie:
10. Are you dramatic:
11. Which parent are you more like:
12. Are you artistic/creative:
13. Describe your dream house:
14. Your dream car:
15. Thoughts on marriage:
16. Thoughts on having kids:
17. If you had a genie grant you three wishes what would they be:
18. What do you hate most about yourself:
19. What do you love more about yourself:
20. Do you love children or nah:
21. Anything special you've won/earned:
22. Any fictional characters you've fallen for:
23. Can you be a bitch:
24. Would you want a baby boy or girl:
25. Actually have a baby or adopt:
26. Make up or nah:
27. Shave or wax:
28. Were you uncomfortable answering any:
~Stolen ; )~
on December 03, 2016

on December 01, 2016

on December 01, 2016

on December 01, 2016

CaptainBandwidth created a poll

What is your favorite song from "Pretty Odd" album of Panic at the Disco?
on November 30, 2016

on November 29, 2016

on November 29, 2016

on November 29, 2016

CaptainBandwidth created a poll

What's Your Favorite Song on "Infinity on High?"
on November 17, 2016

created a

How Well do You Know the Lyrics to "Nine in the Afternoon?"
on November 16, 2016

May I please have a pixel of Sebastian Stan?

He's my profile pic, without the cat ears and tail. He has long brown hair, slight scuff, and blue eyes.
on November 16, 2016
on November 15, 2016