You finish your breakfast and try to ignore the fact hat your arm was starting to sting. You turn to Sapphire and ask her where the bathroom is and show her your cut. "__! How did you do that? What happened?" You shake your head. "Its nothing, really, I just need to clean it up" Sapphire tells you where the bathroom is but is very conserned of what happened.
You were heading down the hall and when you saw no one was a round you checked your cut. It was only small but it was deep. "__...what happened?" A familler voice asked. You look up to see Silver running over. "Nothing...promise! I was just being clumsy and scrached myself" You looked away. "You know, your rubbish at telling lies" Silver made you face him again "What happened?" ..."Scourge" Silver muttred something under his breath. "Huh?" He looked at you and smiled "Its nothing. Your gonna have to tell everyone else though" he takes off your silver necklace and puts it on your cut. You shiver from the coldness and is confused of what he is doing. Suddenly your cut vanishes and your eyes widen. Silver notices and chuckles. "You have not read the back of the necklace yet have you?" You shake your head. "Lets go down the the others and tell them what happened."
What can I say? Tails lab, green hedgehog, button, flash and now we are on earth! How to get back? We don't know...but we can find a way! Then I hear a large thump behind me and I see a human girl laying on the ground. She must have been spying on us from that tree...I did think we should have let her come to mobius but now I see what kind of happenings that would bring to earth so we had to let her stay but we have to watch her...I'll go first because she was not bad looking
You walked over to Sonic and put your hand on his shoulder. "Sonic..." He looked at you like a lost puppy. "Believe me when I say I am not an Eggman robot. I would never hurt you," You said with pleating eyes. He looked at you carefully a black glow encased his fur but you could still see your hero in shining armor. You held his hand with a smile as he turned back to normal. "___," Sonic said as if hearing your name for the first time. He pulled you in for a hug and held you close to him. "I love you." "I love you to Sonic," You replied. He smiled and kissed you. A soft passionate kiss that came from his heart. Of course you kissed back as his fur turned back to blue. You broke the kiss and smiled. "I'll always love you, ___." You smiled holding onto him as the other two turned back to normal and smiled at you two. ~a few months later~ You were at prom. Everyone was so happy. Silver was dancing with Allie while Alexis and Shadow were over by the punch. You smiled holding your boyfriend's hand. "Its time to announce prom king and queen!" Hailey said from the microphone. Everyone gathered. "And the prom king and queen are... ___ and Sonic!" You gasped excited as they placed a crown on yours and Sonic's head. He smiled as they gave you the spotlight dance. "You look so beautiful, my queen," Sonic said as he kissed you. You kissed back and the two of you lived happily ever after. Or do you? ;)
Almost stepping into the portal, your wrist was tugged back by a dark looking figure. Somehow you seemed like you knew this figure in front of you. Those eyes. You knew who it was. You: Mephiles? Is that you? Mephiles: Are you not scared to see me like this? You: Not really. You are not scary. Mephiles: Then will you stay? Can I get to know more about you? I ain't very good with words, but since I have met you, I have wanted to know more about you. Please don't leave just yet. You: Ok. I will stay. Mephiles: Excellent
For the past couple of weeks, Mephiles and you had been hanging out together and learning more about each other each day. After three weeks of talking, Mephiles finally asked you to be his girlfriend. Now, Mephiles is the jealous type, so he was not known to scare away the guys who tried flirting with you. He is always there for you and he loves you with all his heart. One day when the moon was shining its brightest, and the stars twinkling their hardest, Mephiles asked you to marry him under the moonlight.
I hope you got your prince charming! ;) Thank you for taking the quiz!
Before going home, Lucinda stops you and asks you to go to the music room to pick out music for prom. A little upset no one has asked you, you walk slowly to the music room. Opening the door, you notice Hershey Kisses arranged in a word. Prom? Noticing a note on the floor, you pick it up. It says, "Now that I've "Kissed" the ground you've walked on, will you be my date to prom?" Smiling big, you look around to see whoever wrote this. Walking out of the shadows, you see Shadow grinning waiting for your answer.
I hope it was a YES! :) Chocolates are a girls' best friend.
You reach in the bucket and pull out a strip of paper: Silver! (I glare at you) silver gets up blushing and grabs you into his arms and kisses you! (WAAA LUCKY!)
Sonic: Hey...I was wondering...will you do out with me? You: Yes! I will! *kiss* *Amy walks in* Amy: Who are you and what are you doing with my Sonic! Sonic: *whispers* run! *You and Sonic run off toghether laughing. Me: awww!
Your sitting by a tree, dozing off, when all of a sudden you hear a rustling sound by the bushes. "Dr. Eggman!" you scream, as you get up into your fighting stance. "Calm down __, it's just me, Sonic." he says, climbing out of the bushes. "Oh, sorry, I just thought-" you begin, but were cut off by Sonic's lips. The end!
That night after dinner, you listened to everyone chatting and laughing. After nearly everyone went to bed you and Tails sat on the sofa and talked for a bit. You were getting a little more comfortable here. Everyone were very nice and accepting. They didn't make it a huge deal that you didn't have a home, and you liked that. Can I ask you a question? You were getting better at signing, Tails gave you the go ahead. Was it difficult for you all when you came to earth? "Well, it definitely wasn't easy. Humans weren't very accepting of Mobians...many still aren't, but it's gotten a lot better." Where do you work? "That's kind of complicated. Me and my friends we are sort of the...bodyguards of earth. We get paid to save people and the planet a lot, though not much happens anymore" So your a superhero? Tails beams. Because you saved me. Tails pauses and laughs awkwardly . "It's fine, really" You see a faint blush on his muzzle. You tried to hide a yawn, but it slipped past. Tails chuckled and stood up. “Guess that's my cue. Sleep tight __, don't let the bed bugs bite.” You smiled and shook your head, signing goodnight to him. He flipped the light off as he made his way to his room. Lying on your back, you pulled the blanket up around your shoulders and recalled the days events. You couldn't remember ever smiling this much. You hoped this new found happiness would follow you into sleep. This wasn't the case.
I'm glad __ is back safe and sound, this gives me the perfect chance to ask her out. *blushes*. But... something is strange, that fight was way to easy. I better keep my guard up.
His POV: Eggman! He's got ___! From all the times...why coud he just kidnap Amy instead! Or Sapphire? (hey!) If you lay one finger on ___ I swear you will pay eggbutt! ( wow...)
His Pov I heard Eggman say he needed ___ for something... what ever it is it can't be good! I wonder if ___ is pretty....he he...( lol Sonic has a crush on you!)! do you mean she is reading this! (yep!) well got to run! (lol don't worry he will be back!)
he he he....sorry about this....the hedgehog that likes you as not met you yet so you have to guess who it is, here is a clue....his name begins with s! I know this does not help much but who u gonna blame?*gulps*