All pictures and Orginal quotes used in any of my Quizzes, Stories, Questions, Polls and Pages belong to the original owners!
on January 03, 2017

on January 03, 2017

So... I kinda have a new Soul Eater obsession... mostly Death the kid.. but I also kinda like Soul but, in total love w Death<3
on December 24, 2016

Bri.DROWNED asked a question

Who would maybe want a Death the kid x reader? Onlyyy maybe... no promises
on December 24, 2016

Hey um guys be honest please, who all is reading my stories? If you keep up with all of them I'll give you a shoutout, and tell me if I should continue on with the old L.j. But now named Simply Destroyed Jeff love series.. Thanks Bunches! -Bri Drowned
on December 06, 2016