~Hydrate or die straight~
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Comments (10)

Industrial piercing!!!
on August 07, 2022


Its called a industrial piercing

Oh yeah and you also can't sleep on the side you get the piercing on for awhile. Or, at least, you can't let the piercing touch anything while you sleep cause it'll hurt @Lucid_Angel
on August 07, 2022

My suggestion is that if you want to get it done don't do it at a jewelry shop. Do it at a tattoo parlor. Trust me, they are a lot safer with it. Plus they put in the effort to measure you out and find the perfect position to put it on. Also just a warning the healing time is 9 months. After 3 or 4 you can downsize to your regular size. You start off bigger for See More the sake of cleaning and swelling.
Also some of the jewelry you can get for the piercing is amazing @Lucid_Angel
Also some of the jewelry you can get for the piercing is amazing @Lucid_Angel
on August 07, 2022
on August 07, 2022
on August 07, 2022