BlueTheQuizWhiz97's Polls - Page 4
BlueTheQuizWhiz97 published 176 polls

How do you feel when I say "bish"?

Is bish a swear word?

How late do you stay up?

Who should be the next Qfeast President?
Are you crazy?

Am ,I, a blueberry roll or a strawberry roll?

How many friends do you have?

Do you like making quizzes?

Which game is better? (6)

Are you a morning person or a night person?

How is everyone?
Who do you support? I wanna know

Would you date CatCatOdin?

Which should be .my. new pfp?

Which should .I. make? (That .I. may be too lazy to make..?)

Which of these myths do you believe in?

Is stuff way?

Do you like me? (5)

Are you a alien, demon, angel, or hooman?? WHAT ARE YOU?