They Might Be Giants - Stuff is Way (Official Audio)
Support the band and get Nanobots at http://bit.ly/2tiTTxT. Or, download it via Apple Music at http://geni.us/jWVh5VStream They Might Be Giants on Spotify!ht...
on December 27, 2020

JORDY - Just Friends (Lyric Video)
Follow Me on Spotify ➡️ https://spoti.fi/2ZZkdKs? Leave some love with a like!? Click the bell to stay updated.? Download/Stream: https://fanlink.to/Just-...
on December 27, 2020

Nightcore ↬ can't help falling in love [NV | DARK VERSION]
► INFORMATION ◄♪ Song: Can't Help Falling In Love♪ Artists: Tommee Profitt feat. brooke (Original by Elvis Presley)► SUPPORT THE ARTISTS ◄Tommee Profitt:http...
on December 27, 2020

on December 25, 2020

on December 25, 2020

BlueTheQuizWhiz97 added a new chapter to All of my Sh!ps!

HELLO! We regret to interrupt this broadcast of cute future/current couples BUT...
Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas, EVERYWHERE YOU GO~
*mumbles some lyrics*
Yeah Yeah I couldn't remember the lyrics to a FAMOUS Christmas sing. Shush friend TwT
I hope you get everything you ever wanted..
I hope you have a great rest of the year.. and next year...
I hope you enjoy my ships and post some more in comments..
I hope you give this story 5 sta... Read Full Chapter
Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas, EVERYWHERE YOU GO~
*mumbles some lyrics*
Yeah Yeah I couldn't remember the lyrics to a FAMOUS Christmas sing. Shush friend TwT
I hope you get everything you ever wanted..
I hope you have a great rest of the year.. and next year...
I hope you enjoy my ships and post some more in comments..
I hope you give this story 5 sta... Read Full Chapter
on December 25, 2020

BlueTheQuizWhiz97 added a new chapter to All of my Sh!ps!

Crystal and Davey Miller TwT
Ok ok I know I already made a ship with crystal, but there's a new one!
Crystal don't kill me, but guess what ppl. She told me "I think I'm in love with @Blueberry_Child"
They are Davey Miller. Blueberry is Davey Miller. UwU I'm so smort (I spelled that purposely with a o ppl!)
I'm sure these guys will be very cute together! I just know it >:3
Ship Status: getting ready to sail! Read Full Chapter
Crystal don't kill me, but guess what ppl. She told me "I think I'm in love with @Blueberry_Child"
They are Davey Miller. Blueberry is Davey Miller. UwU I'm so smort (I spelled that purposely with a o ppl!)
I'm sure these guys will be very cute together! I just know it >:3
Ship Status: getting ready to sail! Read Full Chapter
on December 25, 2020

I Update my ship story often UwU
on December 25, 2020

BlueTheQuizWhiz97 added a new chapter to All of my Sh!ps!

Reigha and Leland...
A couple from IRL. They dated, what?, 7 times?? and counting. They aren't a very good couple, but they are cute SOOOOO.... yeah
Reigha is a Tsundere (dont know what it means, look it up) And this is why its so difficult to please her...
She loves chocolate, but only dark chocolate
She hates "lovey dovey stuff" That's directed towards her
She likes getting into fights
She's dramatic
According to her, a lotta guys like her
I don't like admitting this but.. At one point she got even ME to lik... Read Full Chapter
Reigha is a Tsundere (dont know what it means, look it up) And this is why its so difficult to please her...
She loves chocolate, but only dark chocolate
She hates "lovey dovey stuff" That's directed towards her
She likes getting into fights
She's dramatic
According to her, a lotta guys like her
I don't like admitting this but.. At one point she got even ME to lik... Read Full Chapter
on December 25, 2020

BlueTheQuizWhiz97 added a new chapter to All of my Sh!ps!

The_videogame_fanXDPlusMor_e And Your.local.idiot
UwU They will be cute together. I know it! I'm not spoiling anything but uh.. yeah. I'm calling it. PLEASE MAKE IT A THING YOU TWO!!
Who agrees with me? Please? I mean, I don't know The_videogame_fanXDPlusMor_e but I am still sticking with my theoretic ship. WE SHALL SEE IN A MONTH OR TOO, IT HAS BEEN FORETOLD BY BLUE THE WHIZ OF RELATIONSHIPS!! *coughs* and quizzes..
Ship Status: getting ready to sail! Read Full Chapter
Who agrees with me? Please? I mean, I don't know The_videogame_fanXDPlusMor_e but I am still sticking with my theoretic ship. WE SHALL SEE IN A MONTH OR TOO, IT HAS BEEN FORETOLD BY BLUE THE WHIZ OF RELATIONSHIPS!! *coughs* and quizzes..
Ship Status: getting ready to sail! Read Full Chapter
on December 25, 2020

BlueTheQuizWhiz97 added a new chapter to All of my Sh!ps!

Crystal and Travis
Ok so they are pretty cute together, but im not sure if they will be a thing or not. Every time those two text all I see is:
The picture is an ACCURATE example of those two as a couple. At least, thats what I think. Crystal as it seems is a yandere, TRAVIS's yandere. I think. BTW Travis is CatCatOdin. Anyways I'm just all over the place aren't I? But I do ship them sorta. Mostly cause they act cute
Ship status: TO BE DECIDED Read Full Chapter
The picture is an ACCURATE example of those two as a couple. At least, thats what I think. Crystal as it seems is a yandere, TRAVIS's yandere. I think. BTW Travis is CatCatOdin. Anyways I'm just all over the place aren't I? But I do ship them sorta. Mostly cause they act cute
Ship status: TO BE DECIDED Read Full Chapter
on December 25, 2020

on December 21, 2020

on December 21, 2020

Hey, how are you all doing?
on December 21, 2020

on December 21, 2020