Real Life Minecraft
What happens when Minecraft crosses over into the real world? Check out Matthiasiam ► http://bit.ly/MatthiasiamIsAwesome Watch the Alternate Ending ► https:/...
on July 30, 2016

Popcorn is the treat that can't be beat! But can it go too far? Subscribe Today! ► http://bit.ly/Markiplier MORE Sketches ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?...
on July 30, 2016

Dogs don't bark, they go WOOF! Subscribe Today! ► http://bit.ly/Markiplier MEOW ► https://youtu.be/ndsaoMFz9J4 Another epic labor of love! Thank you all so m...
on July 30, 2016

Cats don't go nyan, they go MEOW! WOOF ► https://youtu.be/MujRLvZ61jE Behold the result of 8 hours of wasted time in an effort to make the stupidest video I ...
on July 30, 2016

Playing Dead with PUPPIES!!
PUPPIES TO THE RESCUE! With lots of MLEM and too many hugs! Singing with Puppies ► https://youtu.be/BGUySBhj-Yk Subscribe Today! ► http://bit.ly/Markiplier F...
on July 30, 2016

I caught a Ho-Oh with 2 Dusk Balls!!!
on July 30, 2016

Rp Anyone? I am warning you in advance that when I leave for a while, I leave for a few days. I warn you that I will be gone, though.
on July 30, 2016

on July 30, 2016

I got my braces off today.

on July 30, 2016
on July 30, 2016

on July 28, 2016


(In real life) I watched something really cute but then I saw something completely terrifying in the "watch next" panel.
on July 27, 2016

on July 27, 2016
on July 27, 2016

Hey guys, I need help. I haven't been eating much lately and I have skipped about 5 meals this week. Is that normal for a teenager?
on July 27, 2016

Going to bed. Night!
on July 26, 2016